Command Access Response Count Editor Edited
+ah Subs AAAAAHHHHHHH 5 beerisyum 2020-03-15T06:29:30Z
+alerts Subs There are custom alerts for 10, 100, 69, and 169 bits! 5 paintbrushpuke 2022-02-19T01:44:16Z
+altf4 Subs Hey @paintbrushpuke, don't forget to Alt-F4 and ruin your night! 5 richy_s_ 2020-02-29T21:56:36Z
+bampersand Mods (_PARAMETER_) is totally b&. 7 yolopanther 2020-02-29T21:56:36Z
+bike Subs 6 kingster18 2020-02-29T21:56:36Z
+blink Subs Please blink. 1 jcav 2022-03-29T01:29:21Z
+brbpp Subs Be right back have to pee! 74 kingster18 2020-02-29T21:56:36Z
+butt Subs I need to go wash (_P_OR_my butt_) 48 richy_s_ 2020-04-09T06:29:38Z
+checkpoint Subs Save ya game bish! 3 panda_powa 2022-01-21T01:48:32Z
+cjill Subs Andman001: we need a plus cjill command now 1 jcav 2022-02-03T03:34:16Z
+climb Subs 9 kingster18 2020-02-29T21:56:36Z
+cronch Mods Paint has cronched on mic (_VARS_cronch_INCREMENT_1_) times 12 kingster18 2020-02-29T21:56:36Z
+cronchundo Mods Paint has cronched on mic (_VARS_cronch_INCREMENT_-1_) 4 kingster18 2020-02-29T21:56:36Z
+discord Subs Paints Special Place Access 12 kingster18 2020-02-29T21:56:36Z
+end All (_UNTIL_2020-04-23T14:23_) until the end of days. :( 5 beerisyum 2020-04-07T09:19:32Z
+epeen All 🍆 4 beerisyum 2020-04-07T09:23:19Z
+fbb All 1 panda_powa 2022-04-27T04:20:05Z
+fitemebish Subs Paint, (_USER_DISPLAY_) will destroy you. 13 jcav 2020-10-20T14:53:09Z
+fuck Mods Paint has said "fuck" (_VARS_fuck_INCREMENT_1_) times. 9 yolopanther 2020-02-29T21:56:36Z
+goldfish Subs (_PARAMETER_) has been transformed into a sheep .*・。゚\ paintb2Goldfish 30 richy_s_ 2020-02-29T21:56:36Z
+grounded All (_USER_DISPLAY_) has been grounded (_VARS_(_USER_)_INCREMENT_1_) times. 96 panda_powa 2023-01-08T09:26:44Z
+hi Subs 23 yolopanther 2020-02-29T21:56:36Z
+inverse Subs What's the inverse of (_P_)? 1 jcav 2022-03-23T01:47:14Z
+iwish Subs Paint has said "I wish" (_VARS_WISH_INCREMENT_1_) times. 5 jcav 2020-11-26T01:26:31Z
+kingster All Go follow and support mah frend at 5 paintbrushpuke 2020-10-10T03:01:10Z
+map All 3 jcav 2021-09-08T01:40:52Z
+meow Subs Paint has been meowed at (_VARS_MEOW_INCREMENT_1_) times! 1 jcav 2021-03-26T03:58:51Z
+motivate Subs YOU ARE GREAT AND CARING AND WONDERFUL AT (_CAPS_(_P_OR_(_GAME_)_)_) BELIEVE IN YOU 66 richy_s_ 2020-04-12T21:47:44Z
+nick All (_LIST_nicklist_RANDOM_) 148 jcav 2020-06-24T02:21:59Z
+omegaban Subs (_PARAMETER_) has been banned for (_RANDOM_INT_1_100_) days. coeRip 67 richy_s_ 2020-02-29T21:56:36Z
+overwatch2 Subs No she doesn't know when its going to come out. 2 conedodger240 2021-12-01T03:20:43Z
+pan Subs Paint has found (_VARS_pans_INCREMENT_1_) pans! 24 jcav 2020-10-22T03:18:00Z
+pie Subs Paint's favourite pie is: 1 richy_s_ 2020-04-09T07:04:55Z
+plate Subs Paint you need a plate! 0 jcav 2022-10-05T03:43:13Z
+pt All It's (_TIME_America/New_York_) in Paintsville! 8 beerisyum 2020-04-07T09:15:48Z
+ptime All (_COMMAND_time_) 3 zikaeroh 2020-06-02T06:08:25Z
+rip Subs Paint has died (_VARS_RIP-(_GAME_CLEAN_)_INCREMENT_(_P_OR_1_)_) times in (_GAME_)! 107 jcav 2022-01-15T03:30:52Z
+ripcount Subs Paint has died (_VARS_RIP-(_GAME_CLEAN_)_GET_) times in (_GAME_)! 0 jcav 2020-09-14T01:09:32Z
+san Subs Now Paint's #1 fan 3 beerisyum 2020-03-15T06:36:02Z
+save Subs Hey @paintbrushpuke, don't forget to save! (_GAME_IS_ART_) (_ONLINE_CHECK_) 578 panda_powa 2022-01-21T01:48:55Z
+sim Subs Donate $5 or more and paint will make you a Sim! 2 jcav 2020-11-18T04:40:10Z
+so Subs Go check out (_PARAMETER_) at 11 beerisyum 2020-05-03T06:57:48Z
+spice Subs (_P_) Spice was (_USER_DISPLAY_)'s Spice Girl name! 7 jcav 2022-03-13T05:08:16Z
+swole Subs !swole 2 conedodger240 2021-07-24T00:33:33Z
+tab Subs IS EVERYONE TABBED IN 1 kaeli042 2022-10-14T05:09:23Z
+tactician Subs 40 kingster18 2020-02-29T21:56:36Z
+talking Subs Paint you are not allowed to talk. Ever. 5 hellcat001 2020-02-29T21:56:36Z
+threaten Subs I wouldn't do that, if I were you, (_PARAMETER_) 🔫 paintb2Goldfish 6 richy_s_ 2020-02-29T21:56:36Z
+throne Subs 3 jcav 2022-12-06T03:42:06Z
+time All It's currently (_TIME_America/New_York_) for Paint. 11 richy_s_ 2020-04-07T09:14:29Z
+tip All Every little bit helps! 1 panda_powa 2023-07-13T03:46:06Z
+toxic Subs 41 kingster18 2020-02-29T21:56:36Z
+twitter Subs Follow me on Twitter to stay up to date with all the weird stuff I say. 4 richy_s_ 2020-03-09T07:21:44Z
+unclench Subs please unclench your buthole. 4 yolopanther 2020-10-15T05:10:25Z
+unpan Mods Paint has found (_VARS_pans_DECREMENT_1_) pans! 0 jcav 2020-10-22T04:52:16Z
+unrip Mods Paint has died (_VARS_RIP-(_GAME_CLEAN_)_DECREMENT_1_) times in (_GAME_)! 0 jcav 2020-09-14T01:09:25Z
+vod Subs Delete the VOD 74 kingster18 2020-02-29T21:56:36Z
+wut Mods Paint hasn't had any idea what was happening, (_VARS_wut_INCREMENT_1_) times 8 richy_s_ 2020-02-29T21:56:36Z