# Quote Editor Edited
1 "Now Puss!" - LilacJediBride andman001 2022-01-02T00:57:25Z
2 "Edging isn't my kink, I wanna finish this." - LilacJediBride andman001 2022-01-02T01:00:17Z
3 "We're Star Wars sluts." - LilacJediBride andman001 2022-01-02T01:00:26Z
4 "I did like the penetration...wait well..." - LilacJediBride andman001 2022-01-02T01:00:38Z
5 "I hope we helped that yak with it's existential crisis." - LilacJediBride andman001 2022-01-02T01:00:47Z
6 "Existential Yak also sounds like a good band name." - Panda_Powa andman001 2022-01-02T01:00:53Z
7 "Chicken is replaceable; glory is eternal" - LilacJediBride andman001 2022-01-02T01:01:02Z
8 "I'm in a toilet." - LilacJediBride andman001 2022-01-02T01:01:15Z
9 "I was just dead in the air for a while, that was fun." - LilacJediBride andman001 2022-01-02T01:01:24Z
10 "Was on a hot streak, then magically couldn't touch the ball to save my life" - Panda_Powa andman001 2022-01-02T01:01:33Z
11 “Lets give this private a ride!" - LilacJediBride andman001 2022-01-02T01:01:41Z
12 "En Avant will be my beeest friend " - LilacJediBride andman001 2022-01-02T01:01:50Z
13 "This is too much power under my ass." - LilacJedibride andman001 2022-01-02T01:01:58Z
14 "I think piss rounds are a huge success!" - LilacJedibride andman001 2022-07-04T07:21:24Z
15 "No, I don't want medicine I want answers!" - LilacJediBride andman001 2022-01-02T01:02:14Z
16 "What's a platonic sploosh?" - LilacJediBride andman001 2022-01-02T01:02:22Z
17 "Do you ever just hulk out for that nut?" - LilacJediBride andman001 2022-01-02T01:02:31Z
18 "She can tickle or sporkmuerder and everything in between" - furiouscoconut877 andman001 2022-01-02T01:02:40Z
19 "I'm super magic gay time!" - LilacJediBride andman001 2022-01-02T01:02:49Z
20 "I am a fancy lady, with a fancy lady handgun" LilacJedibride andman001 2022-01-02T01:02:59Z
21 "Ow, my ow hurts" - LilacJedibride andman001 2022-01-07T04:14:24Z
22 "Please horn at your pleasure" - LilacJediBride andman001 2022-01-22T01:59:19Z
23 "I feel second best about buttplug." - Conedodger240 andman001 2022-01-22T03:45:11Z
24 "Chip readers that just scan your ass?" - LilacJediBride andman001 2022-02-04T02:59:22Z
25 "Aww, my dick wasn't big enough." - LilacJedibride andman001 2022-02-04T03:55:36Z
26 "I love you, but that is the most bullshit thing you've ever said in your existence." - LilacJediBride (talking to Panda) andman001 2022-02-16T01:56:05Z
27 "So he is gonna Hello Kitty Mariah Carey" - LilacJediBride andman001 2022-02-25T21:24:24Z
28 "I'm not used to all this fancy" - LilacJediBride andman001 2022-03-02T02:41:51Z
29 "What in the Scarlett O'Hara was that shit?" - LilacJediBride andman001 2022-03-18T01:27:56Z
30 "I'm your mommy?" - LilacJediBride andman001 2022-03-18T03:03:42Z
31 "ALSO, Hi Kaeli, Hi Unlife... I just murdered my child!" - LilacJediBride andman001 2022-03-18T03:04:25Z
32 "I am a bad raider who deserves to be put in the goddamn corner and I do not deserve to crit." - LilacJediBride andman001 2022-04-20T01:57:03Z
33 "You are the cream in this death Oreo." - LilacJediBride andman001 2022-04-25T05:25:37Z
34 "Gotta have the right phone penis." - LilacJedibride andman001 2022-04-27T05:44:32Z
35 "What's a guy gotta do to get surprise tiddy like that" -Panda_powa andman001 2022-05-04T03:09:45Z
36 "So anyway, I've sucked a lot of dick in cemeteries." - LilacJediBride andman001 2022-05-25T05:57:47Z
37 "Oh God you made me revert to Catholicism." - LilacJediBride andman001 2022-06-22T03:07:43Z
38 "Don't be me. Take the loot." - Armo andman001 2022-07-04T05:15:10Z
39 "Lilac feels like how a squirrel would look playing pubg." - Kaeli042 andman001 2022-07-04T06:09:48Z
40 "Ready to fuck and fight." - Unlifeoftheparty andman001 2022-07-04T07:15:07Z
41 "Octo vamp, where each sucker has teeth." - Unllifeoftheparty andman001 2022-07-12T01:26:16Z
42 "Am I old, or am I just dirty?" - LilacJediBride andman001 2022-07-12T01:35:41Z
43 "Fuck your thread count." - LilacJediBride andman001 2022-07-19T21:57:37Z
44 "This elevator is just clapping it's cheeks at me." - LilacJediBride andman001 2022-07-20T23:00:59Z
45 SingsNote "I'm in the devils vagina." SingsNote - LilacJedoBride andman001 2022-07-21T01:34:27Z
46 "You were the replacement for my emotional support bucket!" - LilacJediBride andman001 2022-07-21T01:34:54Z
47 "Look at my brain! Look at my giant big brain." - LilacJediBride andman001 2022-07-22T00:06:17Z
48 "I got attacked by a cheeseburger!" - LilacJediBride andman001 2022-10-08T02:10:40Z
49 "I've never worn a bra." - AugustineGreaves andman001 2022-10-08T02:43:12Z
50 "For $600 I'll show hole." - LilacJediBride andman001 2022-11-02T02:37:05Z
51 "tabaxi tumblr gonna ban female presenting fur?"- Panda_Powa lilacjedibride 2022-11-04T04:23:32Z
52 "I wanna know what royalty-free Emo music sounds like." - LilacJediBride andman001 2022-11-16T03:56:59Z
53 "How dare you. How dare you monetarily gatekeep my culture." - Lilac lilacjedibride 2022-11-16T03:57:27Z
54 "I will say it sounds like if you bought Evanescence from Dollar General or something." - bencerda1 andman001 2022-11-16T03:57:34Z
55 "Sorry, I was thinking about tits." - LilacJediBride andman001 2022-11-30T03:41:06Z
56 "Gunshots and corn, that's what's in Indiana." - LilacJediBride andman001 2022-12-14T05:48:52Z
57 "I guess for now I'll just hold the pp." - LilacJediBribe andman001 2023-01-04T03:54:24Z
58 "Armo we are all slimy somewhere..." - LilacJediBride andman001 2023-01-04T05:18:37Z
59 "BAM DICK IN THE PIZZA BOX" - Andman andman001 2023-01-04T05:44:02Z
60 "You mean I'm not a big whale?" - Andman001 andman001 2023-01-06T03:50:03Z
61 "I'm just not willing to risk skin cancer for some dick." - Lilac andman001 2023-01-06T04:00:52Z
62 "Trains and brothels, its just the wild west." - LilacJediBride andman001 2023-01-13T03:14:59Z
63 "I can go in its MOUTH!?" - LilacJediBride andman001 2023-01-24T08:14:32Z
64 "andman is a butt cake" - Panda_Powa andman001 2023-02-08T03:18:03Z
65 "He is my emotional support Canadian." - LilacJediBride andman001 2023-02-13T04:07:40Z
66 "Yeah, I don't do taxes." - LilacJediBride andman001 2023-02-13T04:32:28Z
67 "It's only banned in my mouth, not his." - LilacJediBride andman001 2023-02-13T04:38:52Z
68 "These pans are scissoring, love me some saphic cookware. " - LilacJediBride andman001 2023-02-17T03:51:29Z
69 "I've just been fawked so many times." - ArmoAram andman001 2023-02-17T04:15:12Z
70 "And my little drama slut heart LOVES it!"- Andman001 lilacjedibride 2023-03-02T02:47:10Z
71 "Sex is good but have you played the critically acclaimed FFXIV" - Paintbrushpuke andman001 2023-03-03T04:03:55Z
72 "What is salad but the raw ingredients for better food?" - LilacJediBride andman001 2023-03-10T04:01:47Z
73 "She is flirting with me, she is wet and slippery." - LilacJediBride andman001 2023-03-15T02:17:21Z
74 "Yes, but there's a gradient of ass." - bencerda1 andman001 2023-03-24T01:09:55Z
75 "Haggle for the banana." -Panda_Powa andman001 2023-03-24T04:18:12Z
76 "I mean it's pretty bold to just throw piano at people." - Paintbrushpuke andman001 2023-04-04T03:18:00Z
77 "You've eaten more banana peels than I've eaten crickets!" - Lilac andman001 2023-04-07T02:48:42Z
78 "People just die." - LilacJediBride andman001 2023-04-19T03:15:40Z
79 "I'm gay and Italian; we do a lot of stuff with our hands!" - LilacJediBride andman001 2023-04-26T02:09:32Z
80 "Why is Minecraft so hard???" - ArmoAram andman001 2023-04-26T02:26:21Z
81 "Lissen, I feel like the majority of us have been deep in an ass-cave." - LilacJediBride andman001 2023-04-28T04:26:01Z
82 "Help, there is a man birthing fowl at me." LilacJediBride andman001 2023-04-28T05:14:39Z
83 "Please don't jizz on our kitchen aid!" - LilacJediBride andman001 2023-04-28T06:17:47Z
84 "How do you find all these people?" - Tach1le andman001 2023-05-10T04:44:33Z
85 "I have boobs!" - LilacJediBride andman001 2023-05-10T04:44:49Z
86 "I can call you Armo, you seam likely to spread sheets" - quay_sky andman001 2023-05-17T01:33:18Z
87 "Well... My cherry is popped." - ArmoAram andman001 2023-05-17T02:17:55Z
88 "i would honestly stare at his dong for hours on end.' Paintbrushpuke lilacjedibride 2023-06-05T03:57:16Z
89 'i'd nut if i ever got to see David.' Paintbrushpuke lilacjedibride 2023-06-05T03:57:39Z
90 "Dust that pussy in oregano? Sounds like a rap lyric" - tach_1le andman001 2023-06-23T02:17:42Z
91 "Just cock and pussy that" - Andman001 lilacjedibride 2023-06-23T02:26:51Z
92 " well done andman, you cocked the pussy" - Panda_Powa lilacjedibride 2023-06-23T02:27:41Z
93 "Wow you're worse then a cat bud..." Exeter Vandul andman001 2023-08-02T02:28:38Z
94 "after peaches and soup i feel human again" - paintbrushpuke andman001 2023-10-04T02:32:38Z
95 "I got it off, don't worry." - Andman001 andman001 2023-10-11T02:33:45Z
96 "I just want hard nips all the time" - LilacJediBride andman001 2023-10-11T02:34:05Z
97 "I don't know what angles are, I'm a bottom" - LilacJedibride andman001 2023-10-13T01:09:48Z
98 "Oh no I've met god" - LilacJediBride andman001 2023-10-15T03:52:58Z
99 "I love chopping shit up and putting them into bowls." - Andman001 andman001 2023-10-20T03:01:08Z
100 "I thought you had a spider on your cock or something." - LilacJediBride andman001 2023-10-20T03:04:36Z
101 "Its not little its like 9 inches." - LilacJediBride andman001 2023-11-07T01:52:07Z
102 "Oooooo we gotta give her the big clit" - LilacJediBride andman001 2023-11-18T02:25:39Z
103 "Her grandmammories" - Panda_Powa andman001 2023-12-02T02:06:48Z
104 "I'm a duck, why can't I land???" - LilacJediBride andman001 2023-12-07T01:35:56Z
105 "stubby dick" - mehmattski andman001 2023-12-07T01:40:06Z
106 "I love being used as live bait..." - LilacJedibride andman001 2023-12-07T02:52:44Z
107 "Just be confident in your wrongness - problem solved" - LilacJediBride andman001 2023-12-13T03:40:44Z
108 "We don't need your fancy butt-lanterns" - CrazyMD andman001 2023-12-13T03:40:52Z
109 "Haunt me papi" - LilacJedibride andman001 2023-12-22T03:24:41Z
110 "His eyebrows (David Tenet) could get anyone pregnant" - Andman001 andman001 2023-12-22T03:28:12Z
111 "I'd be very good at Ass Categories!" - LilacJediBride andman001 2024-01-05T02:44:26Z
112 "The Italian just took over me and I had to hands" - LilacJediBride andman001 2024-02-14T03:23:35Z
113 "Lesbian dessert." - LilacJedibride andman001 2024-02-21T02:01:16Z
114 "No, BIG WAMEN ONLY" - LilacJediBride andman001 2024-02-28T02:32:08Z
115 "is there a way to remove the cloths?" - LilacJediBride andman001 2024-02-28T02:34:40Z
116 "I know, but more purple happened!" - LilacJediBride andman001 2024-02-28T03:14:06Z
117 "Don't forget the vulva though." - tach1le andman001 2024-02-28T03:29:46Z
118 "I'm a tiny cat, not a potato" - Eris Dyscordia andman001 2024-03-22T02:05:39Z
119 "muscle mommy best mommy" -Omnirach andman001 2024-04-04T03:34:46Z
120 "The best type of time is measured in ass." - LilacJediBride andman001 2024-04-17T02:18:14Z
121 "Let's get you some therapy and a shirt" - LilacJediBride andman001 2024-04-23T02:12:49Z
122 "Suck it up into your titty." - LilacJediBride andman001 2024-04-26T04:23:47Z
123 "This guy "went into heat" instead of being on his period in highschool" - Panda_Powa andman001 2024-04-27T04:48:38Z
124 "I'm very persuasive while I'm in my bra, apparently" - LilacJediBride andman001 2024-05-03T05:43:04Z
125 "Now that I'm in my underwear, does anyone want to talk?" - LilacJediBride andman001 2024-05-03T05:43:19Z
126 "I thought we were going to be digging up a child's remains, not a dogs, *geeesh*" - LilacJediBride andman001 2024-05-03T05:43:36Z
127 "Gith jizz, awhoo ooo. Oh are you the jizzer?" LIlacJediBride andman001 2024-05-14T03:29:53Z
128 "I'm the armo of tiddy witch and BG3 Kappa. " - Panda_Powa andman001 2024-05-25T04:58:26Z
129 "There's no way you can handle how much horniness is bombarding your brain right now." - LilacJediBride andman001 2024-05-25T04:57:41Z
130 "God famously can't see the back door." - Panda_Powa andman001 2024-05-25T04:57:19Z
131 "Nope, I will racially profile all of the fey/fay/fae" - Panda_Powa andman001 2024-06-11T02:56:54Z
132 "IM THE TRUE HOLE, NOW GO DOWN ON ME" - tach_1le andman001 2024-06-11T02:57:18Z
133 "Well I am sorry Coebot's not hard for you" - LilacJediBride andman001 2024-09-01T02:53:17Z
134 "Does he even got a dick? What's down there?" - LilacJediBride andman001 2024-10-19T03:22:28Z
135 "Dashing on the cock, in an open sleigh, down the street we moan" -Tach_1le andman001 2024-10-19T03:46:55Z
136 "Torch. Torch has ED" - LilacJediBride andman001 2024-11-21T02:49:29Z
137 "Shar I don't need your help to live deliciously, I'm already a snacc Kappa " -Panda_Powa lilacjedibride 2024-12-31T02:40:43Z
138 "She just worships pussy I guess" - Lilac lilacjedibride 2024-12-31T02:40:55Z
139 "The flavor in which you faff? That's what makes someone fall in love with you" - LilacJediBride andman001 2025-01-05T02:47:24Z
140 "Well until then I am gonna bone until he nuts dust!" - LilacJediBride andman001 2025-01-05T05:36:30Z
141 "Like any good bard, where there is a crevasse.. I am gonna stick my finger in it." - LilacJediBride andman001 2025-01-22T22:58:43Z
142 "I am your personal Capri-Sun Bitch. Put your straw in me and do a little suck" - LilacJediBride andman001 2025-01-23T00:31:17Z
143 "Oh that was gloopier than I expected" - LilacJediBride andman001 2025-01-27T02:31:40Z
144 "Oh, where's Daddy?" - LilacJediBride andman001 2025-01-27T02:31:56Z
145 "yea, fuckin is fine." - Andman001 andman001 2025-02-02T04:05:08Z
146 "Open wide Shaar I am going 3 deep" - LilacJediBride andman001 2025-02-13T02:30:49Z
147 "A singular bone does not impress the Lilac, for she hath ravaged multiple bones in a single sitting on many occasions -idk lore or something" - tach_1le andman001 2025-02-13T02:36:49Z
148 "LILAC YOU CAN'T DO THAT TO A MAN THAT'S BRUSHING HIS TEETH" tach_11e andman001 2025-02-13T03:27:55Z
149 "Please don't one-shot my boyfriend" - LilacJediBride andman001 2025-02-16T02:12:49Z
150 "there's a joke in there about hickeys on the inside" - Panda_Powa andman001 2025-02-22T02:14:41Z
151 "I'm all for killing cultists, but go through puberty first." - LilacJediBride andman001 2025-03-16T22:37:29Z
152 "Children shouldn't have bloodlust." - LilacJediBride andman001 2025-03-16T22:37:48Z
153 "i heard you had clown sex" - quay_sky andman001 2025-03-17T00:03:49Z
154 "Get pissed on in the name of my god." - LilacJediBride andman001 2025-03-18T02:38:11Z
155 "Sorry, I was thinkin' about bones" - LilacJediBride andman001 2025-03-25T01:45:24Z
156 "I want this for my butt. Forever. Just strap it to me." - LilacJediBride andman001 2025-03-25T02:35:33Z