Command Access Response Count Editor Edited
!art All Emote artwork done by PaintBrushPuke, Snerpadash, & Panda_Powa | | 9 andman001 2022-03-18T17:35:38Z
!birthday All Tonight is my birthday stream! If you are feeling generous please check out my !throne, in particular the scooter fund. The $10 or more gifts tonight will receive a one-of-a-kind Lilac shitpost meme artwork! 3 andman001 2023-11-06T20:28:27Z
!discord Subs Subscribers can join the Garden with a twitch-linked discord account! (On discord: User settings -> Connections) 7 andman001 2022-01-02T01:25:31Z
!lifeisdumb All Because life is dumb several unexpected expenses have popped up. All donations would help, certainly nothing is expected. 1 andman001 2022-07-12T23:32:06Z
!melk All milk 2 andman001 2023-05-10T04:55:55Z
!meow Subs 2 andman001 2022-01-16T04:10:27Z
!oneyear All Let's celebrate Lilac's one year stream anniversary! Here are some silly incentives to keep the fun going; $1 Give Jax a treat, $5 Draw left handed during Scribble, $25 Request a Lilac shitpost special art made LIVE! All $ can be donated in equivalent bits or subs. 3 andman001 2022-01-21T04:42:46Z
!pan All Yes. It is a pan. Representation matters! 4 andman001 2022-01-02T00:22:29Z
!penis All That's a penis. 2 andman001 2024-04-17T03:19:15Z
!save All Lilac, save the game silly! 5 andman001 2025-03-17T00:14:32Z
!subgoals All To move toward the face cam goal help Lilac by reaching these goals; 50 subs for a AMA stream, 60 subs for a spoopy game stream, 75 subs for open mic stream(s)?, 100 subs for face cam. (Camera currently being acquired) 3 andman001 2022-01-21T04:40:03Z
!sweetboi All Jax has meowed (_VARS_Sweetboi_INCREMENT_1_) times on stream. 83 andman001 2022-02-04T02:11:46Z
!throne All Check out Lilac's throne Wishlist at; 8 andman001 2022-07-21T02:00:52Z
!yikes All Yikes forever! 0 andman001 2023-11-07T03:06:41Z