# Quote Editor Edited
1 "Get gently rubbed on your behind my friend." endsgamer 2015-09-08T21:36:32Z
2 "The torch is water" taraforest 2015-09-08T23:52:03Z
3 "It's not the length of the pier, it's what you do with it!" kaeli042 2021-06-25T21:53:03Z
4 "If I know anything, it's ball physics" taraforest 2015-09-16T00:16:08Z
5 "I tried to do a jubble dump" taraforest 2015-09-16T00:20:45Z
6 "All you have to do is lose faith" taraforest 2015-09-29T21:55:10Z
7 "Welcome to Twitch Twusday and I need some pants" taraforest 2015-10-06T21:41:52Z
8 "Can you describe the breast?" taraforest 2015-11-03T21:01:28Z
9 "There's a party in my mouth, and everyone's invited" taraforest 2015-12-02T00:24:07Z
10 "Screw you and the bike you rode in on" taraforest 2015-12-09T00:32:21Z
11 "Get boned!" taraforest 2015-12-09T00:55:09Z
12 "A throne for my plushie!" draveresilvanus 2015-12-09T07:49:20Z
13 "Suck it friend!" draveresilvanus 2015-12-09T07:49:54Z
14 "Oh no, I can't find the hole." draveresilvanus 2015-12-22T22:40:26Z
15 "I just messed up your son!" draveresilvanus 2015-12-22T22:59:10Z
16 "Also useful for extracting eyeballs!" draveresilvanus 2016-01-05T23:30:30Z
17 "What holes to put our screws in." draveresilvanus 2016-01-05T23:58:14Z
18 "Got it in first try, ma'm." draveresilvanus 2016-01-06T00:26:01Z
19 "Screw until you hear the crack!" draveresilvanus 2016-01-06T00:40:19Z
20 "I'm in a conglomerate of taraforests." draveresilvanus 2016-01-12T22:30:58Z
21 "You picked up my lapis and my pants." draveresilvanus 2016-01-13T01:09:46Z
22 "Ah, I touched it wrong, I touched it wrong~~" draveresilvanus 2016-01-19T23:10:02Z
23 "You fricker on a face" taraforest 2016-01-20T00:35:10Z
24 "Good luck everyone, die in a fire." taraforest 2016-01-20T00:42:26Z
25 "Be moist you dang pigs!" draveresilvanus 2016-02-09T21:44:01Z
26 "Haha, suck on that, son of a bitch!" draveresilvanus 2016-02-16T23:51:26Z
27 "Baby zombie, screw you and the horse you rode in with!" draveresilvanus 2016-02-16T23:52:02Z
28 "I just sucked on that for a little bit." draveresilvanus 2016-02-17T00:14:50Z
29 "Screw bingo and the person who made it!" draveresilvanus 2016-02-23T21:48:54Z
30 "I'm moisturizing!" draveresilvanus 2016-02-24T00:54:48Z
31 "People try to correct me, but I never listen..." conedodger240 2016-03-02T22:12:26Z
32 "That's a good dangle distance" taraforest 2016-03-08T20:06:15Z
33 "Break it and get the balls." draveresilvanus 2016-03-08T20:53:01Z
34 "Oh my god, there is a guy with a guitar chasing me!" draveresilvanus 2016-03-09T22:11:12Z
35 "I can say names... I can read!" taraforest 2016-03-10T21:06:33Z
36 "Did I break my dog already?" draveresilvanus 2016-03-18T23:43:26Z
37 "I have weird relationships with my brain!" draveresilvanus 2016-03-19T00:53:08Z
38 "I'm allergic to the dangles" taraforest 2016-03-19T01:48:34Z
39 "There is a duck in my bed!" taraforest 2016-03-19T01:52:47Z
40 "Distance makes the heart grow … something" taraforest 2016-03-19T01:56:31Z
41 "Don't count your horses before they hatch." taraforest 2016-03-19T02:15:18Z
42 “See Coestar, you don’t have to have all these fancy pants CRT monitors and RGB to CRT to OPP to you-know-me stuff” taraforest 2016-03-19T02:18:12Z
43 "Oh no, she brought a priest!" draveresilvanus 2016-03-21T22:06:24Z
44 "This hand is dead to me." taraforest 2016-03-21T22:27:46Z
45 "How do I munch on your fruits?" taraforest 2016-03-21T23:00:50Z
46 "Everything we need is downstairs." taraforest 2016-03-22T23:13:34Z
47 "May the flesh melt off of your bones!" draveresilvanus 2016-03-22T23:22:43Z
48 "Back, forward, back, death" commandersealand 2016-03-29T00:22:14Z
49 "Almost missed the hole!" draveresilvanus 2016-03-29T21:46:14Z
50 "The music has returned, so we must be out of Canada." taraforest 2016-03-30T19:20:02Z
51 "We'll cook our meat when we're good and ready" commandersealand 2016-03-30T19:37:50Z
52 "I like a warm pink center...ayyy" conedodger240 2016-03-31T20:12:45Z
53 "Road to the dangle!" draveresilvanus 2016-04-01T00:24:52Z
54 "Don't start with your sass!" taraforest 2016-04-05T22:36:59Z
55 "I am the one who dunks!" deltawhiskey 2016-04-11T23:28:52Z
56 "Hold on, I have to lick my monitor." draveresilvanus 2016-04-12T20:58:56Z
57 "Aw pickles on my dickles" taraforest 2016-04-18T18:25:46Z
58 "Why does it have to have nipples?" taraforest 2016-07-03T20:27:17Z
59 "Use your lips, they have better traction than your feets!" draveresilvanus 2016-07-14T21:19:01Z
60 "Butt scratches!" draveresilvanus 2016-07-19T20:46:09Z
61 "You get sucked towards the guy." draveresilvanus 2016-07-19T22:00:02Z
62 "My gun doesn't shoot, I should see a doctor about that" -Kurtjmac commandersealand 2016-07-19T22:44:57Z
63 "I'm terraforming Taraforest!" draveresilvanus 2016-07-28T20:54:23Z
64 "Please, come and enjoy my skin!" taraforest 2016-07-28T22:03:46Z
65 "I do not enjoy things!" draveresilvanus 2016-10-14T21:09:33Z
66 "C'mon you tickle me elmo...!" conedodger240 2016-10-21T23:25:14Z
67 "Did the ​ass​ survive? Someone tells us if the ​ass​ survived!" draveresilvanus 2016-10-23T15:25:39Z
68 "We are very interested in finding about the ass!" draveresilvanus 2016-10-23T15:25:48Z
69 "Here's the plan: I don't have a plan." -Kurtjmac, 2016 deltawhiskey 2016-11-05T23:30:50Z
70 "I will punch the microphone with pride!" draveresilvanus 2016-11-05T23:47:12Z
71 "We need more fiddles with our bits!" draveresilvanus 2016-11-06T15:19:44Z
72 "We need to fiddle them bits!" draveresilvanus 2016-11-06T15:19:58Z
73 "You must know when your tingle dingles and your dingle dangles." draveresilvanus 2016-11-06T17:42:44Z
74 "Sprinkle me with your dividends." draveresilvanus 2016-11-07T22:44:31Z
75 "Call me SethBling and slap me in the face." xaviorpenguin 2016-11-09T04:49:48Z
76 "Yup that's the coco puffs!" conedodger240 2016-11-09T06:02:57Z
77 "How do you do pigs?" xaviorpenguin 2016-11-11T00:24:50Z
78 "Prepare to get milked" taraforest 2016-11-15T22:40:19Z
79 "Where can I do my 'Rubbing' challenge?" conedodger240 2016-11-17T04:12:05Z
80 "I lost my peas!" draveresilvanus 2016-11-25T01:06:52Z
81 "I hope you hit a tree and die! Happy Thanksgiving!" draveresilvanus 2016-11-25T01:48:12Z
82 "I did a double dog sproing, and then my clothes fell off. I hate when that happens." taraforest 2016-11-29T21:25:51Z
83 "Can I knob fiddle?" xaviorpenguin 2016-12-13T03:38:27Z
84 "I need moisture!" xaviorpenguin 2016-12-18T02:40:47Z
85 "You busted my noodle!" xaviorpenguin 2017-01-05T21:27:27Z
86 "I got the bucket and he can suck it" conedodger240 2017-01-12T02:47:22Z
87 "Balls on balls on balls." taraforest 2017-01-12T19:31:12Z
88 "Burps to you my friend." xaviorpenguin 2017-01-20T22:02:57Z
89 "I should not be fiddling with my bits in this regard." xaviorpenguin 2017-01-25T23:46:55Z
90 "It's so small, that ain't right." xaviorpenguin 2017-01-28T23:24:33Z
91 "I am going to swear like a tired pirate." xaviorpenguin 2017-02-03T03:16:08Z
92 "I'm all about those first touches." xaviorpenguin 2017-02-06T03:02:22Z
93 "Is that a guy? No! It is a bag of trash - close enough." draveresilvanus 2017-04-01T22:41:56Z
94 "Where do I place the thing that I want to die?" xaviorpenguin 2017-04-02T02:02:27Z
95 "Oooo! Sweaty palms! Look at my leg." xaviorpenguin 2017-04-02T02:21:38Z
96 "We're giving our moon hole a big crack!" -KurtJMac conedodger240 2017-04-04T22:40:49Z
97 "Wooo! Almost got that in the butt." xaviorpenguin 2017-04-10T22:24:16Z
98 "Lick the life, taste the rainbow." xaviorpenguin 2017-04-14T01:19:29Z
99 "Put that in your pipe and suck on it, for the kids!" draveresilvanus 2017-04-15T21:20:27Z
100 "You were the best anvil there ever was!" draveresilvanus 2017-04-15T22:10:20Z
101 "RIPPED FROM THIS EARTH!!" xaviorpenguin 2017-04-19T06:40:12Z
102 "Chase the tip, just the tip." xaviorpenguin 2017-04-21T01:06:38Z
103 "I am an EXPERT at fitting large things through tight spaces. An expert I tell ya." xaviorpenguin 2017-04-21T01:15:49Z
104 "I just wanna collect more balls!" draveresilvanus 2017-04-21T22:57:35Z
105 "It's more just like a dirt patch upon a pile of logs, which is how they describe me in my high school yearbook." draveresilvanus 2017-04-22T00:55:23Z
106 "There are rats all over the place! They're in my hair..." draveresilvanus 2017-04-25T22:56:49Z
107 "Kangaroos are dolphins!" draveresilvanus 2017-04-27T22:03:39Z
108 "God bless america! It is a rat!" draveresilvanus 2017-04-27T22:30:33Z
109 "Running away with my peach!" draveresilvanus 2017-04-27T22:31:39Z
110 "I have plenty of experience holding on to sticks." xaviorpenguin 2017-04-29T01:59:55Z
111 "Do you know the humping strategy?" draveresilvanus 2017-05-03T21:09:34Z
112 "That door is now a tree." draveresilvanus 2017-05-13T07:16:39Z
113 "And it splits open like a can of tuna!" draveresilvanus 2017-05-13T07:58:46Z
114 "There is a vest in this destructible shit shack." draveresilvanus 2017-07-15T21:53:59Z
115 "My son has a lot of brains." xaviorpenguin 2017-07-25T21:48:57Z
116 "Mother fire truck!" draveresilvanus 2017-07-25T22:50:24Z
117 "Let's just fall, let's just fall, let's just fall!" draveresilvanus 2017-07-25T23:54:47Z
118 "Shooting the tires out of the gun!" draveresilvanus 2017-07-29T22:13:21Z
119 "Stop! I wanna do weird and crazy things to ya!" xaviorpenguin 2017-08-07T00:04:25Z
120 "Hi" - Kurtjmac conedodger240 2017-09-12T02:47:51Z
121 "Oh gawd...potato!" xaviorpenguin 2017-09-19T02:13:22Z
122 "Nice try jumpy pants!" draveresilvanus 2017-09-22T23:16:51Z
123 "Oh that tree you can hit!" draveresilvanus 2017-09-23T00:31:19Z
124 "We're doing well, up until the point we die." xaviorpenguin 2017-09-30T02:39:38Z
125 "That sign is not erected." draveresilvanus 2017-10-03T22:00:02Z
126 "My health is dead!" draveresilvanus 2017-10-03T22:12:06Z
127 "We gotta waggle our stick, everybody!" draveresilvanus 2017-10-05T23:57:17Z
128 "It is distinctly lacking in flap." draveresilvanus 2017-10-06T00:57:13Z
129 "My car is older than you and your grandpa!" draveresilvanus 2017-10-06T23:59:41Z
130 Sweet mercy and the pickles! - kurtjmac, Oct 15 2017 stinusmeret 2017-10-15T17:42:33Z
131 "It got a sticky nob." draveresilvanus 2017-10-18T00:10:53Z
132 "Giving it a nice twirling, if you will." draveresilvanus 2017-10-18T00:11:40Z
133 "Oh, you can see my pole." draveresilvanus 2017-10-20T21:51:32Z
134 "I am in the death place right now." xaviorpenguin 2017-10-21T01:53:06Z
135 "Don't show me your crevice and not let me peek!" draveresilvanus 2017-10-22T00:40:39Z
136 "Yolay is still thinking about that teeth wielding deer?" draveresilvanus 2017-10-22T01:35:08Z
137 "Six months later? I just dropped my almonds!" draveresilvanus 2017-10-22T01:48:13Z
138 "I am in Busto!" draveresilvanus 2017-10-22T22:27:04Z
139 "Futuremans spine is going out of his ass!" draveresilvanus 2017-10-23T02:43:42Z
140 "Are those nuts I hear?" -Jamie conedodger240 2017-10-26T00:58:29Z
141 "I muted myself cause I was reading the ingredients of my nuts." draveresilvanus 2017-10-27T20:21:24Z
142 "There's the house, thank god, it's still burning" -KurtJMac conedodger240 2017-10-29T03:43:08Z
143 "I need those..to piston things" - KurtJMac conedodger240 2017-10-30T01:43:52Z
144 These dang tires are made out of ... condoms - KurtJMac commandersealand 2017-10-30T03:18:55Z
145 "I was making love to the camera!" draveresilvanus 2017-10-30T17:55:39Z
146 "That is a tree that doesn't move!" draveresilvanus 2017-10-30T22:21:15Z
147 "I took that right to the nipples" xaviorpenguin 2017-11-02T02:00:08Z
148 "they don't exist in the air, they have to exist on paper so I can touch constellations and stars" conedodger240 2017-11-09T18:47:51Z
149 "this whole world and universe of astronomy and numbers has unfolded before me" conedodger240 2017-11-09T18:48:26Z
150 "I've gotta eat and you gotta poop." xaviorpenguin 2017-11-11T04:05:05Z
151 "Is the penis still there?" draveresilvanus 2017-11-17T23:54:38Z
152 "Now you can see my pole!" draveresilvanus 2017-11-18T00:41:09Z
153 "Well I'm gonna die here anyway, I have a dog in my lap!" draveresilvanus 2017-11-22T00:37:21Z
154 "I'll lick it if you buy it." xaviorpenguin 2017-11-27T23:36:48Z
155 "Accept my beam of knowledge!" xaviorpenguin 2017-12-01T22:26:01Z
156 "I just want to study that long-legged situation." xaviorpenguin 2017-12-01T23:08:02Z
157 "Cone is busy building his house right now." draveresilvanus 2017-12-14T23:45:52Z
158 "Teeth have skin?" xaviorpenguin 2017-12-16T03:47:19Z
159 "Praise Blosus and his 10 Bananaments!" xaviorpenguin 2017-12-16T04:44:03Z
160 "You suck the suckiest suck that ever sucked." xaviorpenguin 2017-12-18T02:52:09Z
161 "Get sucked!" draveresilvanus 2017-12-21T01:06:40Z
162 "She always had kind of a curved front section to her spaceship." draveresilvanus 2017-12-21T02:16:03Z
163 "BRB I really gotta pee!" draveresilvanus 2017-12-21T02:24:22Z
164 "I like to think of myself as a dim lamp!" draveresilvanus 2018-01-02T17:53:48Z
165 "Why would you put your finger in the hole?" draveresilvanus 2018-01-02T18:40:30Z
166 "Ah, but I wanted to keep touching the nipples!" draveresilvanus 2018-01-02T19:34:44Z
167 "Could I have saved Carl if I hadn't touched the nipple?" draveresilvanus 2018-01-02T19:36:36Z
168 "It is only there for a nipple fiddling." draveresilvanus 2018-01-02T20:35:42Z
169 "It's lit fam" - KurtJMac 2018 conedodger240 2018-01-19T02:16:06Z
170 "Remember kids, if you want to have full life experiences, touch alien butts" conedodger240 2018-01-20T01:17:12Z
171 "This is a motion I am very good at, I tell you what." xaviorpenguin 2018-01-23T02:17:24Z
172 "Ooh, use you're inhaler, you'll be fine!" draveresilvanus 2018-01-23T13:33:43Z
173 "Is he peeing right on me now?" conedodger240 2018-02-04T23:23:59Z
174 "Ooh, right in the nuts!" draveresilvanus 2018-02-12T00:12:58Z
175 "Don't become a bird! We are not trying to impress them!" draveresilvanus 2018-02-17T22:57:35Z
176 "Everything ends up in 'P'." xaviorpenguin 2018-02-26T02:02:07Z
177 "That cone just impaled an audience member!" draveresilvanus 2018-03-01T00:10:05Z
178 "I would like them in my mouth please!" draveresilvanus 2018-03-01T00:11:39Z
179 "I landed on a guy and smushed him once again!" draveresilvanus 2018-03-01T00:15:08Z
180 "I got a Cone on my face!" draveresilvanus 2018-03-13T21:36:22Z
181 "France is a mess!" draveresilvanus 2018-03-14T00:28:20Z
182 "It is the never ending hose!" draveresilvanus 2018-03-16T00:24:40Z
183 "Oh, I didn't moisten the inside!" draveresilvanus 2018-03-16T00:27:20Z
184 "I need that 'D'." xaviorpenguin 2018-03-16T02:07:17Z
185 "The brain doesn't behave!" draveresilvanus 2018-03-16T23:31:12Z
186 "People like to see their bits on stream. I guess that is why mirrors are so popular." xaviorpenguin 2018-03-23T04:42:25Z
187 "I take a long time don't I..." conedodger240 2018-04-01T00:01:56Z
188 "He is sparking from the crotch!" draveresilvanus 2018-04-08T20:15:51Z
189 "So apparently I might be draining my meat wrong.." - Kurt 5/2/18 conedodger240 2018-05-03T01:40:20Z
190 "I'm hitting a dead guy." xaviorpenguin 2018-05-17T02:19:44Z
191 "I wish the muff wasn't this big." conedodger240 2018-05-18T23:13:23Z
192 "OH GOD! I fell out again!" xaviorpenguin 2018-05-21T01:52:31Z
193 "Ow! My blood! It's leaving!" kurtjmac 2018-06-13T02:39:30Z
194 "I've already got into an accident, what possibly could go wrong?" draveresilvanus 2018-06-18T00:37:15Z
195 "I could mess with some repo men" conedodger240 2018-06-27T04:37:35Z
196 "It's not my fault officer, I was asleep!" -Kurt 2018 conedodger240 2018-07-01T23:39:30Z
197 "Something is broken in my mouth brain!" draveresilvanus 2018-07-10T23:25:00Z
198 "If I go too far, it turns to brown" draveresilvanus 2018-07-14T00:30:00Z
199 "Let's not forget how much poop we collected...and purchased." xaviorpenguin 2018-08-06T03:37:34Z
200 "Can I touch your cube real quick? Thanks!" xaviorpenguin 2018-08-10T01:52:55Z
201 "I'm here to steal your secrets...and your balls." xaviorpenguin 2018-08-26T21:38:28Z
202 "I am trapped in a concrete case of emotions" xaviorpenguin 2018-10-04T01:39:27Z
203 "I don't mean to be like this" conedodger240 2018-11-04T00:06:45Z
204 "I've got this weird face on my face" draveresilvanus 2018-11-19T01:02:40Z
205 "Hold on to your underwear, ladies and gentlemen, we are about to drop a log!" draveresilvanus 2018-11-27T00:32:07Z
206 "Horny old people." draveresilvanus 2018-12-13T01:40:59Z
207 "I just want to touch this man and then he's dead." xaviorpenguin 2018-12-17T00:25:36Z
208 "....pull down not out, that's the problem i'm running into" - Kurtjmac 2019 conedodger240 2019-01-14T01:04:45Z
209 "..oh, I hope there is a pile of bodies" conedodger240 2019-02-03T03:06:00Z
210 "YouTube is circling the toilet once more." draveresilvanus 2019-02-22T22:00:31Z
211 "That's the sex number, right?" xaviorpenguin 2019-03-11T02:03:54Z
212 "It's funny...because dick." xaviorpenguin 2019-04-06T03:58:17Z
213 "You came at the end...which is the best time to do that." xaviorpenguin 2019-04-26T02:59:48Z
214 "I did not know this was a furry game." kaeli042 2019-06-16T00:15:35Z
215 "My structural melon has fallen off." kaeli042 2019-08-10T21:26:09Z
216 "Good thing I didn't jump off the roof." kaeli042 2019-09-13T22:42:51Z
217 "I'm bringing an insurance carrot." kaeli042 2019-09-21T23:53:26Z
218 "I have to fully unzip them, though." kaeli042 2019-09-26T23:53:29Z
219 "Oh, I'm the hole" conedodger240 2019-10-01T22:43:20Z
220 "I myself am optimally exposed." kaeli042 2019-10-06T03:01:16Z
221 "A swan is just a fancy type of goose." kaeli042 2019-10-12T01:54:34Z
222 “I like the big fat ones.” kaeli042 2019-10-31T23:31:20Z
223 "Gotta get off the suck." - KurtJMac xaviorpenguin 2019-11-14T02:13:17Z
224 "You can't fail if you don't play!" kaeli042 2019-11-30T03:58:18Z
225 "Don't you want to toast your bread before you jam it?" kaeli042 2019-12-20T23:12:38Z
226 "Spoil me rotten, daddy." kaeli042 2019-12-24T01:03:29Z
227 "Are the eggs real?" kaeli042 2020-01-18T02:17:24Z
228 "There's a lot of space in space." kaeli042 2020-01-29T23:35:57Z
229 "Delete the wheat." kaeli042 2020-02-08T03:46:27Z
230 "Well, my potatoes are probably burning." kaeli042 2020-02-14T04:44:27Z
231 “Birds have cloacas.” kaeli042 2020-02-16T00:34:58Z
232 "Our destination is hype." kaeli042 2020-03-03T21:59:09Z
233 "I should just bend over and swipe him with my package." kaeli042 2020-03-07T01:18:01Z
234 "I pulled it out before it even had a chance to go in!" kaeli042 2020-03-12T22:01:00Z
235 "You're essentially just milking your water." kaeli042 2020-03-19T22:45:41Z
236 "You ass face monkey header!" draveresilvanus 2020-03-27T00:03:12Z
237 "We came from Sex." kaeli042 2020-03-28T02:11:39Z
238 "AAAAH CHEESE!" kaeli042 2020-04-04T23:08:01Z
239 "I need to get a brain." kaeli042 2020-04-15T00:43:41Z
240 "Of course we're gonna jump in the hole." kaeli042 2020-04-27T21:34:58Z
241 "Is this a vape?" kaeli042 2020-04-30T22:32:27Z
242 "I touched the wood....momentarily." - ConeDodger240 kaeli042 2020-05-02T22:11:41Z
243 "I am a dumpster." kaeli042 2020-05-09T01:56:27Z
244 "I'm a Hellblade." kaeli042 2020-05-09T22:54:55Z
245 "Robots don't poop." kaeli042 2020-05-14T02:19:09Z
246 "Screw you, tunnel!" - ConeDodger240 kaeli042 2020-05-15T22:52:20Z
247 "Man, I wish you could see my pipe." - ConeDodger240 kaeli042 2020-05-29T21:59:31Z
248 "Maybe I don't understand shirts." kaeli042 2020-05-31T00:12:21Z
249 "I had to ask my girlfriend where she keeps her stopper" conedodger240 2020-06-10T21:38:09Z
250 "I am commencing my final vibrations." kaeli042 2020-06-26T22:07:27Z
251 "You just gotta honk your way through it." kaeli042 2020-07-08T02:35:33Z
252 "What happened to my face?" kaeli042 2020-07-16T22:15:39Z
253 "I forgot about this whole 'gravity' thing." kaeli042 2020-07-29T22:33:44Z
254 "Haha! Now you're stuck inside the toilet!" kaeli042 2020-08-12T22:27:49Z
255 "Oh, now there's babies everywhere. Fantastic." kaeli042 2020-08-18T21:24:04Z
256 "Now I'm interested in sexy bollards." kaeli042 2020-08-18T22:52:04Z
257 "I can't remember what's jump and what's tongue." kaeli042 2020-09-02T23:06:45Z
258 "Oh, I know these rocks!" kaeli042 2020-09-06T00:32:53Z
259 "I hate it with all my face!" kaeli042 2020-09-12T23:35:56Z
260 "Shut up, Coebot! This is not the time!" kaeli042 2020-09-20T00:05:32Z
261 "You like my seed bag?" kaeli042 2020-09-23T00:55:35Z
262 "One of my favorite things is rendezvous and docking." kaeli042 2020-09-26T23:40:06Z
263 "Pinch that loaf!" kaeli042 2020-10-03T22:51:57Z
264 "That's an uncomfortable place for a screw." kaeli042 2020-10-07T23:36:24Z
265 "Follow that giant space cat!" kaeli042 2020-10-08T22:46:45Z
266 "you literally had a surprise windows update" - ConeDodger240 kaeli042 2020-10-10T00:12:27Z
267 "You can't beat two geese!" - TG kaeli042 2020-10-25T21:35:45Z
268 "The mouth is very important." kaeli042 2020-11-01T00:31:22Z
269 "Teamwork!" kaeli042 2020-11-01T04:42:03Z
270 "How do you breathe?" kaeli042 2020-11-04T01:11:13Z
271 "The nipple does not like to be squeezed" draveresilvanus 2020-11-08T02:15:01Z
272 "Look at all those pope parts" draveresilvanus 2020-11-18T22:57:13Z
273 "Oh! Jesus Christ! TRIANGLE!" kaeli042 2020-11-24T23:54:19Z
274 "We are unstoppable!! ...except I actually have to stop." kaeli042 2020-11-26T03:12:39Z
275 "Where are all these sausages coming from!" conedodger240 2020-11-29T01:16:53Z
276 "Once you're a man, you're a man, man." kaeli042 2020-12-03T03:00:02Z
277 "I don't think I want breasts at the moment." kaeli042 2020-12-30T00:23:32Z
278 "Why are the windows rusty?" kaeli042 2021-01-09T01:55:48Z
279 "There's a little thingy you can touch." kaeli042 2021-01-20T01:54:57Z
280 "I'm a twister and a licker." kaeli042 2021-01-27T01:18:21Z
281 "Quick! Identify the hooves!" kaeli042 2021-01-27T02:39:58Z
282 "you all know that grandma smell.." conedodger240 2021-02-07T00:55:39Z
283 "...but like a big, large shag." kaeli042 2021-02-19T23:59:51Z
284 "It's Thursday?!" kaeli042 2021-02-26T02:26:36Z
285 "Is it rude to horf on somebody else's stream?" - ConeDodger240 kaeli042 2021-03-07T01:43:43Z
286 "I want my guy to be translucent." kaeli042 2021-03-25T01:02:55Z
287 "I don't know why it smells like burning..." kaeli042 2021-04-21T00:53:13Z
288 "I don't know how I'm gonna make meatballs without a house." kaeli042 2021-05-01T01:14:00Z
289 "I know very little about this video game." kaeli042 2021-05-08T00:42:41Z
290 "Too much hot!!" kaeli042 2021-05-21T00:02:48Z
291 "My skin is sweater." kaeli042 2021-06-02T23:22:47Z
292 "How do we make children?" kaeli042 2021-06-18T00:06:30Z
293 "Look at that futuristic hose!" kaeli042 2021-07-17T01:17:54Z
294 "Do bulls have nipples?" kaeli042 2021-09-02T23:01:21Z
295 "That's a strong horn right there." kaeli042 2021-09-08T02:11:39Z
296 "Oh, the cone is trash?" kaeli042 2021-09-16T23:48:48Z
297 "Could I do that to myself?!" kaeli042 2021-09-29T22:06:04Z
298 "Sweet frozen testicles!" kaeli042 2021-10-03T19:20:42Z
299 "Oh, am I a woman?!" kaeli042 2021-10-23T23:55:45Z
300 "Armo! Mehmattski! Bucket!" kaeli042 2021-11-05T22:28:48Z
301 "Could somebody enchant my pants?" kaeli042 2021-11-11T18:03:05Z
302 "I don't like the crotch bump." kaeli042 2021-11-13T00:13:45Z
303 "I could go for 90 more seconds." kaeli042 2021-11-17T03:33:15Z
304 "Computers can't do that!" kaeli042 2021-11-21T00:23:58Z
305 "I didn't mean to shear you, my friend!" kaeli042 2021-11-28T00:16:36Z
306 "So it's not the game that has too many pixels....it's my face!" kaeli042 2021-12-02T00:04:19Z
307 "Go skateboard, go!" kaeli042 2021-12-03T01:16:43Z
308 "I wish video games would get their shit together." kaeli042 2021-12-08T01:31:21Z
309 "This nub is very worn." kaeli042 2021-12-09T01:36:16Z
310 "It's very difficult to aim the noodle!" kaeli042 2021-12-27T02:05:17Z
311 "Why is there water in the hole?" kaeli042 2021-12-29T01:18:12Z
312 "I'm too tall for these tiny tiny doors." kaeli042 2022-01-07T00:22:21Z
313 "Nice shot, wrong hole!" kaeli042 2022-01-13T03:52:15Z
314 "I guess I'll sleep, now that I'm dead." kaeli042 2022-01-15T01:22:54Z
315 "...this is the land of tit." kaeli042 2022-01-16T03:33:05Z
316 "I'm not a dog, I'm a camera!" kaeli042 2022-01-21T01:00:45Z
317 "Why is there a Rastafarian banana?" kaeli042 2022-01-31T22:39:49Z
318 "Oh no, I hope it can't go down there." kaeli042 2022-02-12T02:54:38Z
319 "Oh, smooth is good!" kaeli042 2022-02-14T23:18:52Z
320 "I kept rimming the hole." - ConeDodger240 kaeli042 2022-02-16T02:14:29Z
321 "These are ice tires." kaeli042 2022-02-23T00:42:45Z
322 "It's a racing game, but it probably has less nipples." kaeli042 2022-02-25T23:33:44Z
323 "I gotta take a boat to go get my boat." kaeli042 2022-03-07T02:46:28Z
324 "You can be happy if you want to." kaeli042 2022-03-16T21:21:50Z
325 "Never weirdly touch a bumpus." kaeli042 2022-03-20T00:24:02Z
326 "Is a museum real life?" kaeli042 2022-03-23T23:23:35Z
327 "I also wash my berries." kaeli042 2022-03-23T23:42:09Z
328 "Once again, I have nowhere to put my bag." kaeli042 2022-04-03T02:29:33Z
329 "Oh my god....we're in the flaps." kaeli042 2022-04-12T01:54:51Z
330 "Oh it's kilometers, you bastards!" kaeli042 2022-04-13T23:18:18Z
331 "Welcome to Far Lands or Bottom of the User Agreement!" kaeli042 2022-04-25T22:52:11Z
332 "I'm getting real tired of hearing that horse." kaeli042 2022-05-06T21:11:20Z
333 "Ah, see right there, the World's Nipple." kaeli042 2022-05-09T23:59:51Z
334 "Our yeast is nice and frothy." kaeli042 2022-05-13T23:26:32Z
335 "The beat is existing now." kaeli042 2022-05-19T22:08:45Z
336 "It's like when we got to see nipples in Max Payne 2!" kaeli042 2022-05-22T01:58:32Z
337 "...What's the opposite of optimization?" kaeli042 2022-06-17T23:57:51Z
338 "That's a big screw!" kaeli042 2022-06-18T00:37:52Z
339 "I could ban you, if you want." kaeli042 2022-06-19T02:33:39Z
340 "You can't put that where I've already put my snake!" kaeli042 2022-06-30T22:43:10Z
341 "That guy's high on life! ...and drugs." kaeli042 2022-07-19T23:25:53Z
342 "That wasn't my fault! The cannon shot too soon!" kaeli042 2022-08-18T22:12:55Z
343 "I'm a smarmy bastard!" kaeli042 2022-08-18T23:02:50Z
344 "I kinda like Horn Lord." kaeli042 2022-09-28T22:22:20Z
345 "You gotta vibrato your horn-o." kaeli042 2022-09-28T22:48:58Z
346 "There’s hair in my lasers!" kaeli042 2022-09-30T02:36:46Z
347 "I don't know what gladiators are!" kaeli042 2022-09-30T02:44:53Z
348 "I don't have any turds." kaeli042 2022-09-30T03:13:23Z
349 "NO SOUP" kaeli042 2022-11-02T21:58:47Z
350 "There was touching." kaeli042 2022-11-09T23:32:01Z
351 "That's a good honker!" kaeli042 2022-11-09T23:41:30Z
352 "I hit him with a pork chop." kaeli042 2022-11-20T00:25:58Z
353 "So I'm gonna blast the zest." kaeli042 2022-11-24T01:01:57Z
354 "You're Jesus, you don't need a map!" - TGF kaeli042 2022-12-02T01:07:27Z
355 "I need to eat some lavender, I think. My brain is empty!" kaeli042 2022-12-09T01:16:58Z
356 "Ooh look at my head shadow back there." kaeli042 2022-12-21T21:35:09Z
357 "Oh, look at all these people we can slap!" kaeli042 2023-01-04T03:31:47Z
358 "I can pick the flowers and put 'em in my butt!" kaeli042 2023-01-14T01:24:53Z
359 "I mean, I have shown the occasional nipple." kaeli042 2023-01-23T02:57:36Z
360 "Where's my horn?" kaeli042 2023-01-25T01:06:05Z
361 "I'm driving a hedgehog." kaeli042 2023-02-12T02:06:23Z
362 "But not the seeds, those are for the devil." kurtjmac 2023-02-14T03:21:15Z
363 "Do you want me to punch Elvis?" kaeli042 2023-03-11T21:03:20Z
364 "I'm a long lad." kaeli042 2023-03-13T19:16:19Z
365 "That one got my lips more than my tongue." kaeli042 2023-03-19T03:26:00Z
366 "It smells like hippies." kaeli042 2023-03-19T03:29:55Z
367 "Am I dead?" kaeli042 2023-03-19T03:54:03Z
368 "I was told as a child, I could 'bone with the best of 'em." kaeli042 2023-03-19T04:02:53Z
369 "Far landth or butht" - VintageBeef kaeli042 2023-03-19T04:07:14Z
370 "This napkin is dead to me now." kaeli042 2023-03-22T01:59:30Z
371 "What's my safe word?!" kaeli042 2023-03-25T23:02:14Z
372 "Sometimes wet works better and sometimes dry works better." kaeli042 2023-04-02T02:11:58Z
373 "Oh I hope liquid comes out of this guy's mouth." kurtjmac 2023-04-07T03:26:38Z
374 "...this is not part of the deal, pig." kaeli042 2023-04-12T23:36:11Z
375 "Has everybody lost their mind?!" kaeli042 2023-04-14T22:59:01Z
376 "Oil is slippery!" kaeli042 2023-05-17T23:25:40Z
377 "I've got two lids, that's too many lids!" kaeli042 2023-08-17T21:22:23Z
378 "It is the size of a cheese infant." - TGF kaeli042 2023-08-27T21:35:15Z
379 "Can I POW you?!" kaeli042 2023-10-16T00:38:33Z
380 "I don't like the game Minecraft." kaeli042 2023-12-24T00:35:32Z
381 "What are these round boobs about?" kaeli042 2024-02-14T22:52:16Z
382 "...I'm very bad at speedrunning, aren't I?" kaeli042 2024-02-14T23:39:05Z
383 "I guess doors is doors." kaeli042 2024-04-17T01:22:54Z
384 "Kurt! You broke Minecraft!" - Mhykol kaeli042 2024-04-17T01:36:46Z
385 "I'd love to see my ball!" kaeli042 2024-10-17T00:22:11Z
386 "I only just discovered this year that they have nipples!" kaeli042 2024-11-16T20:26:55Z
387 "Maybe I needed the tutorial after all!" kaeli042 2024-12-13T01:05:57Z
388 "I don't need to be a farmer, I can just buy the stuff that farmers make." kaeli042 2025-01-07T01:42:21Z
389 "I don't need reputation, I need money!" kaeli042 2025-02-21T23:48:22Z
390 "Look at this little freak!" kaeli042 2025-03-14T23:41:51Z