Command Access Response Count Editor Edited
!2019 Subs Here are all the games that Kurt kurtIndeed played in 2019: https://bit.ly/kurts2019 12 kurtjmac 2023-06-25T17:57:51Z
!2020 Subs Here are all the games that Kurt kurtIndeed has played in 2020: https://bit.ly/kurt2020 42 kurtjmac 2023-06-25T17:56:08Z
!2022 Subs Here's a list of all the unique games Kurt has played this year with links to VODs for each one! kurtAha https://bit.ly/3uaeiE4 108 kurtjmac 2022-01-29T00:07:09Z
!2023 Subs Here's a list of all the unique games Kurt has played this year with links to VODs for each one! kurtAha https://bit.ly/kurt2023 55 kurtjmac 2023-01-02T23:09:25Z
!art Subs A R T D E G R E E ! 536 kaeli042 2020-12-16T01:32:39Z
!backseat Subs Please refrain from backseat gaming and telling Kurt how to solve puzzles. If you get timed out, you probably spoiled something! 421 stinusmeret 2020-02-29T21:56:20Z
!basketball Subs http://www.crypticsea.com/basketball/ 28 kaeli042 2020-03-17T20:58:59Z
!bingo Subs kurtAha Unofficial KurtJBingo for your amusement: https://bingo.weathermannx01.com/kurtjbingo/ 132 kurtjmac 2023-09-13T01:10:28Z
!bitrate Subs The blurriness of the stream is due to many amounts of pixels happening all at once. Kurt is aware. 69 xaviorpenguin 2020-02-29T21:56:20Z
!bonerbits Subs Cheer with the Subway cheermote and Twitch automatically adds 10% bonus bits for free! 17 kurtjmac 2020-02-29T21:56:20Z
!bonneville Subs Top Speed Hot Rod: 90-Minute Build Time Limit! MUST be 1959 or Prior Model Year. NO QUALITY POINTS! Modded body only if it matches the theme. Name the Model with your Twitch Username, Export and Upload the BeamNG .ZIP file to https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1aCv6D991JrKpZ0BjvzEx4asxuRH_xiS7?usp=sharing 2 kurtjmac 2020-02-29T21:56:20Z
!bread All The bread is finished; but fear not, bread will rise again. 27 kaeli042 2023-03-14T20:39:12Z
!bustoradio Subs Give a $5 tip, add a song to the stream! No major label artists or chart toppers of any year. Indie artists, game scores, live covers, etc are welcome! Kurt reserves the right to skip your song if he so chooses. https://streamelements.com/kurtjmac/tip 7 kurtjmac 2020-02-29T21:56:20Z
!bustorhymes Subs Give a $5 tip, add a song to the stream! No major label artists or chart toppers of any year. Indie artists, game scores, live covers, etc are welcome! Kurt reserves the right to skip your song if he so chooses. https://streamelements.com/kurtjmac/tip 152 kurtjmac 2020-02-29T21:56:20Z
!butts Subs Gray asses! Also Brits'n Butts! 181 draveresilvanus 2020-02-29T21:56:20Z
!capturecard Subs Kurt is using an Elgato Game Capture HD60. 2 xaviorpenguin 2020-02-29T21:56:20Z
!cauli All Not enough wangs. 28 kaeli042 2023-03-19T02:22:28Z
!charity Subs Far Lands or Bust: Season 11 is raising money for Direct Relief's Maui Wildfire Response! Donate here: https://tiltify.com/@kurtjmac/flob11 38 kurtjmac 2023-09-03T03:17:34Z
!circle All Red Circle = Bombing area, Blue Circle = Slow Death, White Circle = Safe Zone 20 xaviorpenguin 2020-02-29T21:56:20Z
!coas Subs To download your own Car on a Stick, please visit https://salkinitzor.itch.io/car-on-a-stick . 205 xaviorpenguin 2020-02-29T21:56:20Z
!cone Subs Kurt is playing with kurtCone ConeDodger240. Find him over at https://www.youtube.com/user/ConeDodger240 & https://www.twitch.tv/ConeDodger240 202 kurtjmac 2020-02-29T21:56:20Z
!connor Subs A game by Connor Sherlock: https://www.patreon.com/connorsherlock 36 draveresilvanus 2020-02-29T21:56:20Z
!controller All The controller Kurt is using is the Logitech F310 and is wired. 29 xaviorpenguin 2020-02-29T21:56:20Z
!counters Mods Clock is Days Slept, Bone is Treats fed to Wolfie, Pink Sheep is Pink Sheep Seen, Spawner is Spawners Found, Black Heart is Deaths. 22 xaviorpenguin 2020-02-29T21:56:20Z
!danlesac Subs Check out dan le sac on Bandcamp: https://danlesac.bandcamp.com/ 5 conedodger240 2020-04-21T22:47:35Z
!doggo Subs kurtJuno Juno is Kurt's dog. She is an Australian Cattle Dog (Blue Heeler), female, and is around 11-12 years old. Rescued on Nov. 9, 2017. https://www.instagram.com/junoheeler 180 kurtjmac 2023-02-03T23:15:39Z
!donate All Far Lands or Bust: Season 11 is raising money for Direct Relief's Maui Wildfire Response! Donate here: https://tiltify.com/@kurtjmac/flob11 443 kurtjmac 2023-09-03T03:17:04Z
!end Subs coeBot Stream over, thanks for joining! PartyTime Subscribe to Kurt on YouTube: flob.at/youtube | Support Kurt on Patreon: flob.at/patreon | Visit: http://kurtjmac.com 1924 kurtjmac 2024-06-02T23:35:00Z
!eneija Subs Kurt is playing with Eneija. Find her over at https://www.youtube.com/c/HeatherFofo & https://mixer.com/eneija 11 stinusmeret 2020-02-29T21:56:21Z
!epic Subs When shopping at the Epic Games store be sure to use creator code 'KURTINDEED' on the checkout page! kurtIndeed https://www.epicgames.com/ 12 kurtjmac 2020-07-09T20:27:57Z
!equality Subs Equality Texas is taking steps to protect transgender youth and their families in light of the cruel and dangerous actions of the state's governor and attorney general. Here are important resources and info regarding this issue: https://www.equalitytexas.org/resources-for-parents-of-texas-trans-youth/ 8 kurtjmac 2022-03-11T23:44:02Z
!everything Subs We have it...literally! 58 xaviorpenguin 2020-02-29T21:56:21Z
!extralife Subs Donate to Extra Life for the Mindcrack Charity UHC then check your email for a link to provide Kurt in-game items to help him win! DONATE: https://mindcrack.link/EL 14 stinusmeret 2024-11-16T19:35:46Z
!f3 All Kurt will only press F3 at the end of a FLoB-a-Thon, the F3 number as of July 25th, 2024 is 9,864,725. kurtF3 (The floating point milestone of 8,388,608 was reached on April 16th, 2024) 807 armoaram 2024-07-26T03:35:31Z
!face Subs kurtDisapproves DON’T TOUCH YOUR FACE kurtDisapproves 261 kaeli042 2020-12-04T23:54:44Z
!feature Mods Be sure to check out (_PARAMETER_)'s channel at https://twitch.tv/(_PARAMETER_) 61 stinusmeret 2020-02-29T21:56:21Z
!flexzee Subs getflexzee.com code "KURTJMAC" for 10% off 4 kurtjmac 2023-12-20T02:05:30Z
!flob Subs http://www.farlandsorbust.com/ 310 draveresilvanus 2020-02-29T21:56:21Z
!fog All It was a sub goal. 12 kaeli042 2024-05-31T22:28:09Z
!friends Subs Frag Friends: http://twitch.tv/breonnagy http://twitch.tv/conedodger240 http://twitch.tv/fortaingg 12 xaviorpenguin 2020-02-29T21:56:21Z
!frugby Subs Download Frugby at http://www.crypticsea.com/frugby/ 13 kaeli042 2020-02-29T21:56:21Z
!game Subs Current game: (_GAME_) 78 endsgamer 2020-02-29T21:56:21Z
!gundam All https://gundam.fandom.com/wiki/XXXG-01SR2_Gundam_Sandrock_Custom_EW 16 kurtjmac 2023-03-28T20:01:18Z
!half Subs Yes, he is cutting a planet in half. 294 kaeli042 2020-05-27T22:59:33Z
!headset Subs Kurt's headset is the Sony MDR-7506. 20 xaviorpenguin 2020-02-29T21:56:21Z
!hearse Subs The Girlfriend camps in a hearse! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-8HN4hehZiA 2 kurtjmac 2023-04-19T21:59:52Z
!honk All HONK!™ 996 xaviorpenguin 2020-02-29T21:56:21Z
!hotshot Subs (_ONLINE_CHECK_) Kurt is playing the retro 90s inspired arcade racer HOTSHOT RACING, including the Big Boss Bundle FREE DLC out today on on PC, Switch, PS4 and Xbox One! https://store.steampowered.com/app/609920/Hotshot_Racing/?utm_source=twitch&utm_medium=live&utm_campaign=hsrbb #SPONSORED 32 stinusmeret 2020-11-27T19:06:09Z
!humble Subs (_ONLINE_CHECK_) Get your humble bundle, support charity and Kurt: http://www.humblebundle.com/?partner=kurtjmac 2377 conedodger240 2020-02-29T21:56:21Z
!ice Subs Yes, you are watching ice melt. kurtIce 59 kurtjmac 2021-10-03T18:03:57Z
!incentives Subs Check out all the donation incentives for the charity UHC (click a player's name to see items): https://donate.n3rds.care/event/mindcrack-fall-2024/uhc/ 73 stinusmeret 2024-11-16T19:34:53Z
!indeed Subs kurtIndeed INDEED! kurtIndeed 20 conedodger240 2020-02-29T21:56:21Z
!intro Subs Intro scenes are made from Space Engine. http://spaceengine.org/ 3 xaviorpenguin 2020-02-29T21:56:21Z
!jank Subs The on screen jank is the result of floating point precision errors, read more about it here - http://farlandsorbust.com/about.html 0 kaeli042 2023-05-11T21:55:46Z
!jitter Subs The on screen jitter is the result of floating point precision errors, read more about it here - http://farlandsorbust.com/about.html 78 kaeli042 2022-03-09T01:37:00Z
!jitters Subs The on screen jitters are the result of floating point precision errors, read more about them here - http://farlandsorbust.com/about.html 484 taraforest 2020-02-29T21:56:21Z
!ksp2 Subs "No" 123 xaviorpenguin 2020-02-29T21:56:21Z
!kurttime All It is currently (_DATETIME_US/Pacific_) for Kurt. 1213 draveresilvanus 2020-02-29T21:56:21Z
!late All A livestreamer is never late, just simply starts precisely when he means to! 418 draveresilvanus 2020-02-29T21:56:21Z
!lunch Subs This is the Far Lands or Bust lunch break. Kurt is having lunch. We are watching First Person Gardening with TG 88 armoaram 2023-03-28T20:26:11Z
!marathon Subs Donate to Extra Life for Mindcrack Marathon at https://mindcrack.link/EL 222 kurtjmac 2021-11-10T00:13:27Z
!meltingblockofice Subs https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dGsvdEOdmwQ 3 kaeli042 2021-11-14T21:04:34Z
!merch Subs Perhaps you'd like to try Kurt's StreamElements merch store! Limited designs are available: https://merch.streamelements.com/kurtjmac 27 kurtjmac 2020-05-02T19:11:08Z
!middle Subs Wait! The stream isn't over yet! 284 kaeli042 2021-04-10T00:03:04Z
!monthly Subs Sign up for Humble Monthly and get "A Short Hike" plus many other games for only $12! http://www.humblebundle.com/monthly?partner=kurtjmac 7 kurtjmac 2020-02-29T21:56:21Z
!multi Subs https://multitwitch.tv/kurtjmac/PauseUnpause/Phedran/ 106 stinusmeret 2021-04-22T19:12:32Z
!multipubg Subs http://multitwitch.tv/kurtjmac/calamityjamie 6 stinusmeret 2020-02-29T21:56:21Z
!music Subs This command doesn't work because Kurt is not using that api program, please stop trying it! 49 kurtjmac 2020-02-29T21:56:21Z
!noalerts Subs Currently there are no alerts for better immersion and a cleaner youtube version! Thanks for your subscription, bits and/or donation! 9 draveresilvanus 2020-02-29T21:56:21Z
!pacifist Subs Kurt is playing PUBG using no guns. Frying pan, armor, and healing items are allowed. 7 xaviorpenguin 2020-02-29T21:56:21Z
!patreon Subs Support Kurt on Patreon at www.patreon.com/kurtjmac 89 taraforest 2020-02-29T21:56:21Z
!patreonserver Subs It's Kurt's Patreon server. Support Kurt on Patreon: www.patreon.com/kurtjmac 62 draveresilvanus 2020-02-29T21:56:21Z
!pitterpatterpit Subs https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aQm7YpxgOnA 117 xaviorpenguin 2020-02-29T21:56:21Z
!prime Subs (_ONLINE_CHECK_) Have Amazon Prime? Link your Twitch account and get a FREE Twitch Prime SUB to support this channel at no expense to you! Learn how: https://twitch.amazon.com/prime 20455 stinusmeret 2020-02-29T21:56:21Z
!pubg Subs Pacifist Unknown's Battlegrounds 3 draveresilvanus 2020-02-29T21:56:21Z
!puptime Subs Kurt is currently feeding or walking kurtJuno, BRB! 75 xaviorpenguin 2020-02-29T21:56:21Z
!queue Mods The BustoRhymes queue has closed for the stream, thanks for your tips! 7 conedodger240 2020-02-29T21:56:21Z
!quotingblockoffice All It is quoting block of ICE! 71 draveresilvanus 2020-02-29T21:56:21Z
!quotingblockofice All (_QUOTE_) 1334 taraforest 2020-02-29T21:56:21Z
!rad Subs RAD is a nonprofit 501(c)(3) that takes the hassle out of finding a therapist and covers the cost for those in need worldwide. Here is a link to start your healing journey https://www.youarerad.org/find-support/about-care 19 kurtjmac 2021-05-01T20:48:17Z
!relief Subs Help out Direct Relief by donating at https://farlandsorbust.com/ 2 draveresilvanus 2020-02-29T21:56:21Z
!repo Subs Repo Mode consists of acquiring all the vehicles as possible and placing them in one place, preventing other players from getting said vehicle. 4 xaviorpenguin 2020-02-29T21:56:21Z
!results Subs Top Speed Standings: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1dZs6FTyokKS-luGf48QRWqC9pCoaU5VWydgsxEV9v80/edit?usp=sharing 4 kurtjmac 2020-02-29T21:56:21Z
!rosie Subs Rosie is a long time Farlander Artist extraordinaire and created many of our Twitch emotes! Find her on Twitter https://twitter.com/ArtsieRosie and Twitch https://www.twitch.tv/artsierosie ! 11 xaviorpenguin 2020-02-29T21:56:21Z
!rwp Subs Did you know that I co-host a podcast with Cone & ZeeKay called Ran When Parked? We seek out all the weird and wasted away cars for sale online so you don't have to! Listen at http://ran.whenparked.com kurtCar 122 kurtjmac 2020-04-01T21:59:55Z
!rwpwiki Subs Did you know that there is now a Ran When Parked wiki? Well, there is! https://wiki.whenparked.com/Main_Page kurtCar 3 kaeli042 2020-12-20T00:46:27Z
!sac Subs Check out dan le sac on Bandcamp: https://danlesac.bandcamp.com/ 41 conedodger240 2020-04-21T22:47:18Z
!server All The Mindcrack server is a private server. 23 taraforest 2020-02-29T21:56:21Z
!shirts Subs Check out Far Lands or Bust shirts and other products in Kurt's shirt shop! https://www.teepublic.com/stores/far-lands-or-bust?ref_id=2558 1060 draveresilvanus 2020-02-29T21:56:21Z
!skate Subs Play SKATE OR DON'T! with us! Free demo on Steam: https://store.steampowered.com/app/1828310/Skate_or_Dont/ 150 kurtjmac 2022-02-03T22:58:07Z
!social Subs Follow Kurt: youtube.com/kurtjmac | twitch.tv/kurtjmac | patreon.com/kurtjmac | twitter.com/kurtjmac | instagram.com/kurtIndeed 9 draveresilvanus 2020-02-29T21:56:21Z
!songs All Music links are under the video! 41 taraforest 2020-02-29T21:56:21Z
!spaceengine Subs You can get Space Engine for free here: http://spaceengine.org/ 3 xaviorpenguin 2020-02-29T21:56:21Z
!spreadshirt Subs Looking for a shirt in UK/EU? Check out the Spreadshirt store: https://shop.spreadshirt.net/farlands/ 14 conedodger240 2020-05-02T03:39:54Z
!spring Subs Spring 2019 Mindcrack Marathon Schedule https://twitter.com/MindcrackLP/status/1115672085555220480 5 stinusmeret 2020-02-29T21:56:21Z
!start Subs Kurt starts whenever he feels it is the right time to start! In other words: We have no clue! 63 draveresilvanus 2020-02-29T21:56:21Z
!string Subs Yes, we are watching string wet. kurtIce4 2 kaeli042 2021-10-04T08:05:01Z
!stunts Subs kurtDisapproves NO STUNTS! kurtDisapproves 94 kaeli042 2022-04-09T02:36:33Z
!subscribe All Subscribe to Kurt on Twitch at: http://www.twitch.tv/kurtjmac/subscribe 5 draveresilvanus 2020-02-29T21:56:21Z
!subtub Subs kurtSub SubTub kurtSub 598 stinusmeret 2020-02-29T21:56:21Z
!support Subs If you want to support Kurt, you can subscribe, send a tip to the tip jar or support Kurt on Patreon at www.patreon.com/kurtjmac 65 draveresilvanus 2020-02-29T21:56:21Z
!tattoo Subs Yes, Kurt got a tattoo: https://www.instagram.com/p/BlJoGQqHL5p/?utm_source=ig_web_copy_link 20 draveresilvanus 2020-02-29T21:56:21Z
!thisdogisawesome Subs https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AeMhyv-95qA 20 xaviorpenguin 2020-02-29T21:56:21Z
!throne Subs Check out my privacy-friendly wishlist at Throne: https://throne.me/u/kurtjmac kurtAha You can also suggest items to add! 213 kurtjmac 2022-04-27T23:38:40Z
!timeline Subs Cassini End of Mission Timeline https://saturn.jpl.nasa.gov/mission/grand-finale/cassini-end-of-mission-timeline/ 1 xaviorpenguin 2020-02-29T21:56:21Z
!timer Subs Kurt will be taking breaks during the subathon, during which the timer will be paused. 9 kaeli042 2023-03-11T22:10:40Z
!tipjar Subs (_ONLINE_CHECK_) Like what you're watching? Let Kurt know by dropping some change in the Tip Jar to show your support! https://streamelements.com/kurtjmac/tip 20052 stinusmeret 2020-02-29T21:56:21Z
!train Subs All aboard! We're riding the Hype Train in No Destination: https://bigbread.itch.io/no-destination 1 kurtjmac 2024-06-04T00:12:29Z
!twitter Subs https://twitter.com/kurtjmac 3 kaeli042 2021-06-17T20:20:43Z
!uhc All (_ONLINE_CHECK_) Donate to Extra Life now to unlock in-game rewards to help or hinder your favorite teams! https://mindcrack.link/EL and https://mindcrackmarathon.com/ 366 stinusmeret 2021-11-10T01:34:33Z
!uhcteams Subs https://i.imgur.com/pSYHnd1.png 17 stinusmeret 2024-11-16T19:53:41Z
!version Subs Far Lands or Bust is played in Minecraft Beta 1.7.3. 35 kaeli042 2021-05-21T23:33:16Z
!wangs Subs https://clips.twitch.tv/UglyPatientKaleKreygasm 7 kaeli042 2023-03-19T02:06:59Z
!whenparked Subs Did you know that I co-host a podcast with Cone & ZeeKay called Ran When Parked? We seek out all the weird and wasted away cars for sale online so you don't have to! Listen at http://ran.whenparked.com kurtCar 124 kurtjmac 2020-02-29T21:56:22Z
!wishlist Subs Check out my privacy-friendly wishlist at Throne: https://throne.me/u/kurtjmac kurtAha You can also suggest items! 13 kurtjmac 2022-04-27T23:38:02Z
!youtube Subs Rember YouTube? Those were the days. Check out Kurt's channel where every episode of FLoB lives at http://youtube.com/kurtjmac 20 kurtjmac 2020-02-29T21:56:22Z