Command Access Response Count Editor Edited
!age All LOL YOU THOUGHT- 5 sailorsparklexo 2020-12-31T04:12:14Z
!art All Our amazing channel art was done by the incredible Mr. Sauerkimchi - FOLLOW HIM RN: sailor154Uwu sailor154Uwu 10 sailorsparklexo 2020-12-27T22:53:48Z
!bail All /me The Bail Project, Inc. believes that paying bail for someone in need is an act of resistance against a system that criminalizes race and poverty and an act of solidarity with local communities and movements for decarceration. Over the next five years, The Bail Project will open dozens of sites in high-need jurisdictions with the goal of paying bail for low-income Americans, while collecting stories and data that prove money bail is not necessary to ensure people return. 19 whatmelodywrote 2020-06-07T17:20:23Z
!bean All 6 sailorsparklexo 2022-05-02T03:01:19Z
!bighearts All sailor154BigHearts sailor154BigHearts sailor154BigHearts sailor154BigHearts sailor154BigHearts sailor154BigHearts sailor154BigHearts sailor154BigHearts sailor154BigHearts sailor154BigHearts sailor154BigHearts sailor154BigHearts sailor154BigHearts sailor154BigHearts sailor154BigHearts sailor154BigHearts sailor154BigHearts sailor154BigHearts sailor154BigHearts sailor154BigHearts sailor154BigHearts sailor154BigHearts sailor154BigHearts sailor154BigHearts sailor154BigHearts 655 sailorsparklexo 2020-10-29T15:09:54Z
!bonk All (_USER_) bonks (_PARAMETER_) , Go to horny jail! 46 mspsychnight 2020-08-09T19:18:17Z
!boundaries Subs 📢Sailor Sparkle is NOT your girlfriend. Please refrain from treating her that way. Boundaries are important. Respect them or leave, respectfully. 2 fireskream 2022-09-05T21:20:58Z
!building All Sparkle is currently building something that may require her to focus away from chat for a while, but she will read your comments as soon as she can! 5 sailorsparklexo 2022-08-21T19:56:30Z
!buttstuff Subs Hey Inspyril4511! 15 mspsychnight 2020-02-29T22:24:51Z
!campaign All Visit the official campaign page of Sparkle for Prevention here: 4 mspsychnight 2020-09-13T20:13:10Z
!charity All I'm raising money for St. Jude Children's Research hospital through the St. Jude PLAY LIVE campaign - your contribution can help a sick child get access to cancer treatment and other necessities. 184 sailorsparklexo 2021-05-03T00:16:02Z
!discord Mods Stop by the Sparkle Motion discord, sugar! 1324 sailorsparklexo 2020-12-24T15:41:14Z
!donate All Your support matters. To donate to St. Jude Children's Research Hospital, click this link or use the Tiltify Panel below! 539 sailorsparklexo 2022-05-01T23:47:43Z
!drabs All 🦀🦀🦀🦀 "drabs are just red frogs with claws" - FireSkream 2022 🦀🦀🦀🦀 3 sailorsparklexo 2022-05-08T02:21:14Z
!fashsean All Show our friend erectssean your firm appreciation for his upstanding talents by visiting his website and scoring some sweet swag: sailor154Hiya 4 sailorsparklexo 2022-11-11T00:06:51Z
!fightme All (_USER_) rolls a (_RANDOM_INT_1_20_) (_PARAMETER_) rolls a (_RANDOM_INT_1_20_) 3 gridmonkey 2022-05-04T01:04:28Z
!findhelp All No matter what you’re facing, you deserve to be connected to help. Please know that people have been where you are now. Things can get better. Healing is possible. Find local mental health resources here: 7 whatmelodywrote 2020-08-26T20:56:00Z
!first All Please avoid backseat gaming. NO SPOILERS or ANY information! SailorSparkleXO will ask for assistance if necessary. 1 sailorsparklexo 2021-06-21T21:22:24Z
!game Subs (_GAME_) 3 chillboy213 2020-02-29T22:24:51Z
!grind All Want to support Black-owned businesses and get your premium coffee fix? Try out the amazing Grinding Coffee Co. today! Use code SPARKLEMOTION for a sweet discount: 577 sailorsparklexo 2020-10-04T21:56:10Z
!gwen All 2 sailorsparklexo 2021-02-13T21:33:48Z
!hug Subs (_USER_) hugs (_PARAMETER_) <3 42 mspsychnight 2020-02-29T22:24:51Z
!hype All sailor154Hype sailor154Hype sailor154Hype sailor154Hype sailor154Hype sailor154Hype sailor154Hype sailor154Hype sailor154Hype sailor154Hype sailor154Hype sailor154Hype sailor154Hype sailor154Hype sailor154Hype sailor154Hype sailor154Hype sailor154Hype sailor154Hype sailor154Hype sailor154Hype sailor154Hype sailor154Hype sailor154Hype sailor154Hype sailor154Hype sailor154Hype sailor154Hype sailor154Hype sailor154Hype sailor154Hype sailor154Hype sailor154Hype sailor154Hype 42 sailorsparklexo 2020-12-23T02:04:35Z
!incent All Visit to get started! What is INCENT? It's a cryptocurrency that you can earn by watching my stream. Rather than doing giveaways that only benefit a small portion of my audience, INCENT allows me to reward every viewer who wants to be rewarded for their loyalty with a real world universal crypto-currency. Collect it, hold it, cash it in, donate it back to the stream, it is yours to do with as you see fit. 20 whatmelodywrote 2020-07-09T22:59:23Z
!incentives All $1 - Sticker Shirt || $2 - Spicy BeanBoozled Level 1 || $3 - Ghost Pepper Chip || $5 - Inverted Controls || $7 - Spicy BeanBoozled Level 2 || $8 - Sriracha Warhead ||$10 - T1 Hot Sauce Challenge || $15 - Real BeanBoozled || $17 - Spicy BeanBoozled Level 3 || $20 - T2 Hot Sauce Challenge || $50 - T3 Hot Sauce Challenge (LIMIT 2 PER STREAM 238 sailorsparklexo 2021-05-03T01:57:37Z
!insta All Follow Sparkle on Instagram! 266 sailorsparklexo 2020-11-02T00:45:42Z
!jb All 9 mspsychnight 2020-06-07T18:59:25Z
!jude Subs /me St. Jude freely shares the discoveries it makes, and every child saved at St. Jude means doctors and scientists worldwide can use that knowledge to save thousands more children. Treatments invented at St. Jude have helped push the overall childhood cancer survival rate from 20% to more than 80%. Families never receive a bill from St. Jude for treatment, travel, housing or food, because all a family should worry about is helping their child live. 147 mspsychnight 2020-05-17T21:10:17Z
!kbops All Check out Sparkle's K-Bops playlist on spotify: 5 sailorsparklexo 2022-07-12T02:51:22Z
!ladiesnight Subs View the Vyrus Ladies Multistream! 4 sailorsparklexo 2021-01-30T20:10:08Z
!lurk All (_USER_) is off to fight for love and justice! You are beautiful and valued, and we already miss you terribly. Sending you big hearts until we see you again! 160 sailorsparklexo 2020-12-12T01:20:40Z
!mark All you are all amazing and beautiful... plus may your dreams and goals be complete and full of love and positivity 2 sailorsparklexo 2021-02-09T02:21:55Z
!mcast Subs Sunday Murdercast Topic: Trust, Boundaries, Respect, and Networking as a Creator 8 sauerkimchi 2020-11-15T21:36:10Z
!merch All Show everyone you're a part of Sparkle Motion with our sick line of crop tops, t-shirts, mugs, notebooks, magnets, and stickers. Dig it: 959 sailorsparklexo 2022-07-31T20:26:06Z
!mickey All AYO?! 3 sailorsparklexo 2022-11-15T00:19:21Z
!milestones Subs $125 - Corgo Onesie Stream || $250 - Weekend Wig Stream || $375 - Twitch Sings Night || $500 - DDLC Blind Playthrough || $750 - TBD || $1K - TBD 84 whatmelodywrote 2020-08-26T14:53:39Z
!multi All Today we're streaming Among Us with our incredible friends @ari_centauri (, @daydreamerdan (, @ohhhmanitsdan (, @damicosa (, and @thugkage ( - make sure to drop them a follow and show some SPARKLE MOTION LOVE sailor154BigHearts 5 sailorsparklexo 2021-01-25T01:40:21Z
!multilink All View our multistream RIGHT HERE and join the chaos, WOO! 7 sailorsparklexo 2021-01-25T01:41:00Z
!newspiders All Ringo Dan Mingo Exmaximus Faximus Slam Jam K'Blaminous Julius Vesuvius Catastratasphica Kapogamus George the third and Pogamus Dogamus Half Cat Half Frogamus Doombringer Destroyer of Worlds 1 sailorsparklexo 2022-09-17T00:11:35Z
!panda Subs " We've talked about this Panda! " 0 gridmonkey 2022-04-10T21:36:13Z
!podcast Subs Need something to listen to while the stream is offline! Try the awesome podcast Melody is in! 23 mspsychnight 2020-03-21T00:56:00Z
!qotd All give me your best dad joke 92 sailorsparklexo 2021-06-20T18:49:19Z
!qotd2 All What household appliance would you be? 11 sailorsparklexo 2020-12-30T01:44:35Z
!raid All sailor154Uwu sailor154Uwu sailor154Uwu SPARKLE MOTION RAID sailor154BigHearts sailor154BigHearts sailor154BigHearts sailor154Uwu sailor154Uwu sailor154Uwu SPARKLE MOTION RAID sailor154BigHearts sailor154BigHearts sailor154BigHearts sailor154Uwu sailor154Uwu sailor154Uwu SPARKLE MOTION RAID sailor154BigHearts sailor154BigHearts sailor154BigHearts sailor154Uwu sailor154Uwu sailor154Uwu SPARKLE MOTION RAID sailor154BigHearts sailor154BigHearts sailor154BigHearts sailor154Uwu 70 sailorsparklexo 2021-01-03T05:36:04Z
!raidreg All <3 <3 <3 SPARKLE MOTION RAID <3 <3 <3 SPARKLE MOTION RAID <3 <3 <3 SPARKLE MOTION RAID <3 <3 <3 SPARKLE MOTION RAID <3 <3 <3 SPARKLE MOTION RAID <3 <3 <3 SPARKLE MOTION RAID <3 <3 <3 48 sailorsparklexo 2021-03-29T02:58:31Z
!refresh Subs If Sparkle isn't back for you try refreshing! 27 sailorsparklexo 2020-12-14T02:48:11Z
!resources All Struggling? You're not alone. Check out this list of mental health resources for those in need: 1 sailorsparklexo 2021-02-09T00:52:35Z
!rhetorical All Sparkle asks a lot of rhetorical questions, please don't answer unless she actually asks for help. 78 sailorsparklexo 2020-12-14T03:58:33Z
!rip VIPs Sparkle has died (_VARS_RIP-(_GAME_CLEAN_)_INCREMENT_1_) times in (_GAME_)! 1301 sailorsparklexo 2021-07-21T22:41:29Z
!ripcount All Sparkle has died (_VARS_RIP-(_GAME_CLEAN_)_GET_) times in (_GAME_)! 15 sailorsparklexo 2021-07-21T22:48:10Z
!ripset Mods whatmelodywrote has died (_VARS_RIP-(_GAME_CLEAN_)_SET_(_PARAMETER_)_) times in (_GAME_) 7 gridmonkey 2020-06-14T02:31:01Z
!ripvar Subs 2 gridmonkey 2020-06-14T02:36:14Z
!robin All If I had the confidence to jerk off to my own selfies I'd be UNSTOPPABLE - @classyrobin64 13 sailorsparklexo 2021-08-05T00:56:42Z
!shoutout Subs Big shoutout to (_PARAMETER_)! 215 mspsychnight 2020-02-29T22:24:51Z
!sing All Sparkle likes to wind down streams with songs; normally song requests are channel point redeems, but during this time you can request a song from the !songrequests link without spending channel points on it. 8 sailorsparklexo 2020-12-26T23:12:07Z
!skz All Get obsessed with Stray Kids just like Sailor Sparkle - 3 sailorsparklexo 2022-04-11T00:33:42Z
!slap Subs (_USER_) slapped (_PARAMETER_) :O 13 mspsychnight 2020-02-29T22:24:51Z
!snap All Find Sparkle on Snapchat (don't be creepy bro) - 👻whatmelodywrote 702 sailorsparklexo 2022-11-01T23:48:28Z
!so Subs Big shoutout to (_PARAMETER_) ! 382 chillboy213 2020-02-29T22:24:51Z
!songrequests All 42 sailorsparklexo 2020-12-07T00:28:23Z
!special Subs $10-25: I hold a emoji pillow in front of my face for 5 minutes $25-50: All my character's lines are delivered via Lambchop puppet for 10 minutes $50-100: I say all my character's lines as Moxxi/Tyreen/Zarya/Mancubus/Sarah Larsen from the Shelf Life (Podcast Character) for 10 minutes 6 mspsychnight 2020-05-20T00:41:45Z
!ssfund All Help Sparkle survive until her new job actually gives her a paycheck by subscribing, cheering, or sending a tip here: 126 sailorsparklexo 2022-10-20T01:03:37Z
!support All If you can't support TWLOHA financially, that is absolutely okay! Here are some other ways to support! 1) Hang out in the stream 2) Share the campaign or invite friends to hang out in stream 3) Retweet my going live and charity tweets to help exposure! - I love and appreciate each and every one of you! 16 mspsychnight 2020-09-13T20:06:59Z
!tagline All SailorSparkleXO: Soft. Fluffy. Evil. 5 sailorsparklexo 2022-04-11T00:34:23Z
!trevor All The Trevor Project is the world's largest suicide prevention and crisis intervention organization for LGBTQ youth. Lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender youth are more than 4x more likely to attempt suicide than their peers. We support Trevor's mission to end suicide among LGBTQ youth, and help them support the estimated 1.5 million+ LGBTQ youth who experience suicidal ideation and could benefit from its services. 31 whatmelodywrote 2020-06-20T17:38:08Z
!twitter All Don't want to miss Sparkle's next stream? Give her a follow on twitter to stay informed on when she's going live! 208 sailorsparklexo 2020-12-13T03:56:12Z
!twloha All I’m raising money to support To Write Love on Her Arms. Your gift will make it possible to connect people to hope and help. We believe that your story matters. To learn more about TWLOHA, visit: 10 whatmelodywrote 2020-08-26T14:49:49Z
!twlohafund All /me In collaboration with members of the gaming community, TWLOHA is launching this campaign to provide much needed mental health support for survivors of sexual assault and trauma. Our goal is to help remove the financial barriers to receiving counseling. TWLOHA will use 100% of the funds to sponsor counseling sessions and connect those within the media and entertainment industry to mental health resources. 8 whatmelodywrote 2020-07-21T15:08:53Z
!unrip Mods whatmelodywrote has died (_VARS_RIP-(_GAME_CLEAN_)_INCREMENT_-1_) times in (_GAME_)! 10 gridmonkey 2020-06-14T02:34:42Z
!uwu All sailor154Uwu sailor154Uwu sailor154Uwu sailor154Uwu sailor154Uwu sailor154Uwu sailor154Uwu sailor154Uwu sailor154Uwu sailor154Uwu sailor154Uwu sailor154Uwu sailor154Uwu sailor154Uwu sailor154Uwu sailor154Uwu sailor154Uwu sailor154Uwu sailor154Uwu sailor154Uwu sailor154Uwu sailor154Uwu sailor154Uwu sailor154Uwu sailor154Uwu sailor154Uwu sailor154Uwu sailor154Uwu sailor154Uwu sailor154Uwu sailor154Uwu sailor154Uwu sailor154Uwu sailor154Uwu sailor154Uwu sailor154Uwu 46 sailorsparklexo 2020-12-27T22:30:06Z
!vyrus All Few things on this planet are hotter than Vyrus streetwear, scientifically proven to make you 25% more attractive! Can't argue with science. Seriously, I live in these digs: (use the code SGXPANDA for 15% off!) - check it out now and scoop your favorite styles before they're gone! 23 sailorsparklexo 2021-05-10T06:03:20Z
!wavemaker All "What's so bad about the wavemaker?" 15 sailorsparklexo 2021-07-10T22:53:28Z
!weird All Don't make it weird, man. 🙄😬 1 sailorsparklexo 2021-07-16T23:44:16Z
!wishlist All View Sparkle's Amazon wishlist here: 884 sailorsparklexo 2020-12-26T23:16:00Z
!wonder All Our starting soon screen music is brought to you by Sparkle Motion moderator, incredible streamer, and musician extraordinaire ~ Wonder Truly! Check out Wonder on Spotify at or follow her stream at and make sure to tell her Sparkle sent you. <3 3 sailorsparklexo 2022-08-23T23:09:47Z