# Quote Editor Edited
1 "Oh, nope! Not a fan of that hole." -Panda panda_powa 2021-05-12T01:04:02Z
2 "Is this an un-fuckable pot!?" -Panda panda_powa 2021-05-27T04:44:36Z
3 "Where is there ass-?" - Panda panda_powa 2021-08-14T23:36:25Z
4 "Did I cut myself off mid acid?" - Panda panda_powa 2021-08-14T23:36:49Z
5 "I'm just going to pre-wet myself" - Panda panda_powa 2021-08-15T00:06:56Z
6 "Look! Free vomit!" - Panda panda_powa 2021-08-15T00:11:17Z
7 "Well we got the fungal disease at least, so that's good" - Panda panda_powa 2021-11-16T04:33:50Z
8 "I was not expecting him to come out that fast" - Panda panda_powa 2021-12-08T00:32:21Z
9 "Are names not allowed to be words?" - Panda panda_powa 2021-12-19T01:28:04Z
10 "[...] he's vibrating and I love it" - Panda panda_powa 2022-01-04T04:26:03Z
11 "Honestly? If Death kept a flock, I'd be there" - Panda panda_powa 2022-03-10T05:29:11Z
12 "There's no J in the word 'exist' but there is a J in a French person" - Panda panda_powa 2022-04-12T03:17:19Z
13 "Obama? What are you doing in the 1930s?" - Panda panda_powa 2022-04-12T03:19:38Z
14 "Are we a little slug pet to an an alien girl? Big if true" - Panda panda_powa 2022-08-06T04:32:02Z
15 "I wonder if it wouldn't make sense to just... die" - Panda panda_powa 2022-08-06T04:32:53Z
16 "I don't know if I can compete against one so skilled in the ways of winning" - Dahnis mehmattski 2022-08-24T01:58:55Z
17 "do you love oof poop more then your wife? - quay_sky mehmattski 2022-10-25T01:21:48Z
18 "it did not even give me an achievement for getting it all the way up" - Panda mehmattski 2022-10-29T01:16:34Z
19 "I'd like to be able to mount and dismount in the same jump" -Panda_Powa mehmattski 2022-11-29T01:55:45Z
20 "I had to do that whole thing without swallowing. Don't quote that." - Panda_Powa mehmattski 2022-11-29T02:05:46Z
21 "marry me Pothead" - LilacJediBride mehmattski 2022-12-03T01:10:53Z
22 "hey @LilacJediBride do you happen to have ASS unlocked? If so would you like to explore it with us tonight?" - Kaeli042 mehmattski 2022-12-03T01:46:02Z
23 "Kaeli! You're distracting me with your ASS... links." - Panda_Powa mehmattski 2022-12-03T04:06:07Z
24 "Kissy??? That's not what friends do!" - Panda_Powa mehmattski 2023-01-12T02:02:49Z
25 "ok i have never platonically smooched a butt" - LilacJediBride mehmattski 2023-01-12T02:03:11Z
26 "TEACH ME YOUR GROW SONG, GREEN SLITHER WITCH" - LilacJediBride mehmattski 2023-01-19T01:26:36Z
27 "Heavy friction noise. I approve." - panda_powa mehmattski 2023-02-07T04:11:18Z
28 "Is this death? No, that's grass." - Panda_Powa mehmattski 2023-02-07T04:55:47Z
29 "Pet a cat, accidentally teabag it" - Panda_Powa mehmattski 2023-03-14T03:02:38Z
30 "Time for magical girl stuff! Plus cats." - Panda_Powa mehmattski 2023-03-14T03:14:49Z
31 "ya ever watch balls" - Kaeli042 mehmattski 2023-03-23T01:38:15Z
32 "I did not need JEM to attempt to mount me, quite rude" - Panda_Powa mehmattski 2023-03-23T02:55:23Z
33 "Suddenly, ball." - JEM mehmattski 2023-03-23T03:39:03Z
34 "We HAVE to stab the titties" mehmattski 2023-06-15T02:33:23Z
35 "POINT THE FINGERS AT CUM" - paintbrushpuke paintbrushpuke 2023-06-20T03:05:32Z
36 "You can't just go into the secret hole! That's my hole, it's only for me!" -Panda_Powa mehmattski 2023-06-29T03:35:11Z
37 "What is the butts today?" - Panda_Powa mehmattski 2023-07-29T00:51:34Z
38 "Is this what you wanted? Human flesh-colored tentacles spewing all over a bug?" - panda_powa mehmattski 2023-08-17T00:57:29Z
39 "Let us witness the destruction of ass" - Panda_Powa mehmattski 2023-09-07T02:51:07Z
40 "WINGLE FINGERS" - Andman001 mehmattski 2023-09-14T03:48:31Z
41 "Make them cum before death! Wait what" - tach_1le paintbrushpuke 2023-09-23T02:01:45Z
42 "Um... do you do nudes?" - Panda_Powa mehmattski 2023-09-23T02:35:18Z
43 "REJECT CAPITALISM, RETURN TO MOSS" - LilacJediBride mehmattski 2023-09-23T02:42:29Z
44 "oh no the biblically accurate dunkin donuts munchkin killed you" - LilacJediBride mehmattski 2023-09-26T01:58:28Z
45 "It does do a lot of whacking damage..." - Panda_Powa paintbrushpuke 2023-10-12T03:14:21Z
46 "I like the bone music." - Panda_Powa mehmattski 2023-10-19T02:44:15Z
47 "The pen is not rigid enough" -Panda_Powa mehmattski 2023-10-19T03:48:15Z
48 'You know the one. You've seen the memes. I'm relevant' - Panda_Powa mehmattski 2023-11-30T00:28:32Z
49 "If I tell my viewership it's not going to get better, then they'll stick around and not be disappointed!" - Panda_Powa mehmattski 2023-11-30T01:28:05Z
50 "I'm a duck, why can't I land???" - lilacjedibride mehmattski 2023-12-07T01:35:25Z
51 "I love being used as live bait..." - LilacJedibride mehmattski 2023-12-07T02:53:18Z
52 "You get thrown up by a demon giraffe horse!" - LilacJediBride mehmattski 2023-12-07T03:22:15Z
53 "deeper is always better" -Andman001 mehmattski 2024-01-04T02:07:42Z
54 "My sexual preference is cuddles" - Panda_Powa mehmattski 2024-01-04T02:59:53Z
55 "How big is the worms bootty" - quay_sky mehmattski 2024-01-04T03:06:40Z
56 "The best way to fight fire is with wood, I always say" - Panda_powa mehmattski 2024-01-11T01:59:53Z
57 "I chose death by snausage" - Panda_Powa mehmattski 2024-02-22T01:34:04Z
58 "This might be a time to... pray to our pagan god... I assume" - Panda_Powa mehmattski 2024-02-29T01:41:17Z
59 "The biggest disgrace - death by Puns" -Panda_Powa mehmattski 2024-03-19T00:04:15Z
60 "Cone wants to know why his penis is connected to his jaw" - paintbrushpuke mehmattski 2024-03-19T00:23:33Z
61 "I've got two minutes to make this valuable" - Panda_Powa mehmattski 2024-03-25T23:46:14Z
62 "We're going to bum rush the crack" - Panda_Powa mehmattski 2024-03-26T00:30:56Z
63 "Yep just die" - Faaldara mehmattski 2024-04-02T02:41:32Z
64 "This little pit is treating me so well today!" - Panda_Powa mehmattski 2024-04-02T03:05:47Z
65 "I'm not wearing any clothes! I'm a PANDA!" - Panda_Powa mehmattski 2024-04-15T23:26:36Z
66 "Listen - I might be dumb, but I'm not stupid!" - Panda_Powa mehmattski 2024-04-30T01:55:16Z
67 "i wang purple cow" - LilacJediBride mehmattski 2024-06-13T02:17:20Z
68 "I'm not particularly interested in Aphrodite right now." - Panda_Powa mehmattski 2024-06-25T00:51:48Z
69 "These are so squishy, individually." -Panda_powa mehmattski 2024-07-20T00:53:03Z
70 "Does anyone have any whips? They would pair nicely." - Panda_powa mehmattski 2024-07-20T01:16:54Z
71 Imagine being about to nut and shouting "Its slime time!" - Andman001 mehmattski 2024-07-20T02:49:04Z
72 "I guess we're eating a puppy" - Panda_Powa mehmattski 2024-07-30T01:52:36Z
73 "Suck puppy, ya dingus!" - Panda_Powa mehmattski 2024-07-30T01:54:12Z
74 "If I fart on the opposing rabbit, it would take a nap but I would lose accuracy" - Panda_Powa mehmattski 2024-08-22T02:22:09Z
75 "You raised a kid and DIDN'T have piss in your mouth?" -Panda_Powa mehmattski 2024-08-29T04:34:52Z
76 "why would covid kill vajazlling" - mehmattski paintbrushpuke 2024-08-29T04:52:25Z
77 "I don't jive with a shrimp tail, so imma pass." - Panda_Powa mehmattski 2024-10-08T01:05:00Z
78 "That's a little too Christ" - Panda_Powa panda_powa 2024-11-23T04:38:32Z
79 "You're right, I did miss a fuck. Story of my life, really." - Panda_powa mehmattski 2024-12-19T00:38:53Z
80 "Can we find the bois I know how to ride tho?" - Panda_Powa panda_powa 2025-03-16T17:13:06Z
81 "I hope your stomach stays wet" - Panda_Powa panda_powa 2025-03-16T17:20:22Z