Command Access Response Count Editor Edited
+donate Subs Donate to Zeldathon Side Quest, 100% of all donations goes to Direct Relief. https://donate.zeldathon.net More information about the charity Direct Relief at directrelief.org 2 oc1_ 2020-08-07T09:09:17Z
+ezlo Subs Here's the information doc on EZLO ezlo https://shorturl.at/fnyGQ 157 oc1_ 2023-04-25T11:31:55Z
+ganon11 Subs GAME OVER: RETURN OF ME 11 oc1_ 2020-02-29T21:56:34Z
+heres Subs the information doc on EZLO ezlo https://shorturl.at/fnyGQ 0 oc1_ 2023-04-25T11:31:25Z
+hundred Subs OC is doing a real time attempt of 100% completion of Color-Changing Tingle's Balloon Trip of Love. This means all hearts, all items, all stickers, all maps!! It's ALL THE THINGS. 1 mojofibers 2020-02-29T21:56:34Z
+jamie Subs vidya james more like vidya lames AM I RIGHT 0 oc1_ 2020-02-29T21:56:34Z
+mario Subs Here's the information doc on Mario Mania goo.gl/uTDiVr 102 oc1_ 2020-02-29T21:56:34Z
+meow Subs Meow Count: (_meow_COUNT_) 19 knight_of_hylia 2020-02-29T21:56:34Z
+rosie Subs Donate to Rosie's Wild Rupeeland Fund! (get Rosie to Zeldathon Wild) at twitch.streamlabs.com/oc1_ or paypal.me/artsie 4 oc1_ 2020-02-29T21:56:34Z
+stats Subs Here's a cool spreadsheet with statistics for Hyrule Warriors https://shorturl.at/jGQY9 0 oc1_ 2024-02-17T16:15:33Z
+submitlevel Mods Want OC to play your level in SMM? Add it here and it will be played sooner or later https://goo.gl/rtDxv7 0 oc1_ 2020-02-29T21:56:34Z
+twitter Subs Follow my twitter at twitter.com/oc1kenobi for updates on streams 0 oc1_ 2020-02-29T21:56:34Z
+zsr Subs ZeldaSpeedRuns.com 's Marathon is August 11-14 - Doug is running Zelda's Adventure Saturday 08/12 at 8:50 AM CDT, OC is running Faces of Evil on Sunday 08/13 at 2:45 AM CDT (subject to change due to faster/slower previous runs) - more info and full schedule at http://zeldaspeedruns.com/marathon-schedule (times automatically to your timezone) 2 oc1_ 2020-02-29T21:56:34Z