!almostmarathonthinger |
I'm going to be doing some extra streaming Aug 5-10! See the tentative schedule here: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1U5mfZEBD504lBGv0EaRYUb-u9gLe5BwDeNAtZRkQ2-I/edit?usp=sharing |
407 |
kuroitsubasatenshi |
2020-07-29T04:08:35Z |
!asuna |
The return of the revenge of Asuna strikes back! http://sta.sh/01xn122tge7o |
103 |
kuroitsubasatenshi |
2020-02-29T21:56:18Z |
!banesonly |
Units can only use weapons/spells from bane categories. Units can only tutor/train/group task in banes. Banes that go to hidden talents can be tutored up to 11 times. Battalions may be equipped by everyone, but units who do not have an Authority bane must unequip any skills that come from Authority. Certifications can only be acquired through banes, and personal classes may only be used when forced. |
52 |
kuroitsubasatenshi |
2023-12-17T17:20:55Z |
!come |
hang out and swap tactical tricks with the Knights of Lunatic+ on Discord! https://discord.gg/GANXEkpq9 |
0 |
kuroitsubasatenshi |
2023-09-08T01:44:24Z |
!davidmadsen |
https://www.twitch.tv/videos/470981501 |
3 |
kuroitsubasatenshi |
2020-02-29T21:56:18Z |
!dawnbrigadesavestheworld |
The 10 optional Tower slots must be filled by units from Part 1. Fiona must also be part of that roster. |
18 |
kuroitsubasatenshi |
2024-07-09T02:15:03Z |
!discord |
Come hang out and swap tactical tricks with the Knights of Lunatic+ on Discord! https://discord.gg/wrpAyAK3TW |
26174 |
kuroitsubasatenshi |
2023-11-20T03:04:17Z |
!emblemshuffle |
Spend channel points to change what Emblem is equipped by who! See the reward for details! |
22 |
kuroitsubasatenshi |
2023-05-12T02:35:03Z |
!feetonly |
Foot classes only. Force deployed cavalry/fliers should be unequipped. |
15 |
kuroitsubasatenshi |
2024-08-10T01:59:19Z |
!feminimarathon |
FE Mini-Marathon date pending. See the results for the upcoming runs here: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1ncd7Ut1rc6tLewz-se4sqTPJN96U9IEG_Ax7mEzPuMo/edit?usp=sharing |
1303 |
kuroitsubasatenshi |
2022-02-26T03:07:30Z |
!fftpsp |
We're going to be doing a PSP run of Final Fantasy Tactics using a view squad! Fill out this quick form to get into the pool! https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSf7TbwnFIkXarlrf5BvQWgkMH1Sg1JSP3AyCWrkOUjuE9h3uQ/viewform?usp=sf_link |
7 |
kuroitsubasatenshi |
2024-11-02T02:06:31Z |
!fxjobbers |
Complete Maddening FX using FX's lowest tiers of picks. Vander must be deployed in FX5-6. All DLC is allowed. Tentative plans at: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1Alnhux5w2rS73hExgALoiAwaE5M2lvPa4mu2HjMGHd4/edit?usp=sharing |
36 |
kuroitsubasatenshi |
2024-11-23T05:48:33Z |
!godvander |
This run is going to make a frontline Vander and take him to the end of the game. All DLC is valid, but stat/SP boosters from it can only go to Vander. DLC Emblems/gear can be used by Alear, Vander and the poll winners: Framme, Clanne, and Amber. |
30 |
kuroitsubasatenshi |
2023-03-26T09:11:19Z |
!kicktable |
https://www.twitch.tv/videos/470981501 |
1 |
kuroitsubasatenshi |
2020-02-29T21:56:18Z |
!lunaticplusstory |
Final Round: Vote for your top two Awakening characters from their tie-breaker for me to use in the next Lunatic+ story run! https://www.strawpoll.me/17140055 |
120 |
kuroitsubasatenshi |
2020-02-29T21:56:18Z |
!masters |
https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1Abo38A1ZanNJ4CW5NUNTGyhH7x0Z4KVFcCvenpZHoM4/edit?usp=sharing |
4 |
kuroitsubasatenshi |
2020-02-29T21:56:18Z |
!minexplorationperiods |
Exploration can only be chosen when it is mandatory, but all AP during those periods can be spent as normal. Quests, Paralogues and rare monster battles are the only optional battles allowed. Only DLC allowed is the Wolves and the classes. |
13 |
kuroitsubasatenshi |
2024-09-23T01:48:32Z |
!minexplorationperiods2 |
Explore can only be chosen when no other options are available (“Skip” is considered an option). All AP during those periods may be spent as normal. Quests, Paralogues and rare monster battles are the only optional battles allowed. The Wolves and associated DLC are banned. |
3 |
kuroitsubasatenshi |
2024-10-15T02:06:11Z |
!minexplore2 |
Explore can only be chosen when no other options are available (“Skip” is considered an option). All AP during those periods may be spent as normal. Quests, Paralogues and rare monster battles are the only optional battles allowed. The Wolves and associated DLC are banned. |
0 |
kuroitsubasatenshi |
2024-10-20T09:32:25Z |
!minimarathon |
TP can now be spent to choose units for the Awakening PMU. The mini-marathon will start the week of Jan 9, taking up all normal slots with extended start times, as well as some bonus slots during that week. https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1ncd7Ut1rc6tLewz-se4sqTPJN96U9IEG_Ax7mEzPuMo/edit?usp=sharing |
0 |
kuroitsubasatenshi |
2021-12-30T18:22:13Z |
!minrecruitment |
Forced recruits only. No DLC. This gives us Alm, Gray, Tobin, Clair, Clive and Mycen; plus Celica, Mae, Boey, Saber and Conrad. |
12 |
kuroitsubasatenshi |
2024-06-30T08:48:50Z |
!moobot |
Cattle Mooed |
1 |
czar_yoshi |
2020-02-29T21:56:18Z |
!nextgamepoll |
Vote for Friday's next madness! https://www.strawpoll.me/17867752 |
1504 |
kuroitsubasatenshi |
2020-02-29T21:56:18Z |
!nextgamestream |
Vote on the next Sunday game! https://www.strawpoll.me/15202628 |
0 |
kuroitsubasatenshi |
2020-02-29T21:56:18Z |
!nextrun |
The next Engage run will be another Emblem Shuffle! Help me choose the run's 3 faves! https://strawpoll.com/XOgONd2PXn3 |
27 |
kuroitsubasatenshi |
2023-06-30T02:16:01Z |
!nohints |
Please do not give unsolicited advice. If I need it, I will ask directly. |
19511 |
kuroitsubasatenshi |
2022-09-16T02:38:14Z |
!norings |
Units may not voluntarily sync with Emblems. Units who are forced to sync with Emblems may not voluntarily Engage. Other Emblem mechanics not allowed: Inheritance, Engraves, Bond Rings. In C22, Alear must collect all Emblems. |
23 |
kuroitsubasatenshi |
2023-07-29T02:31:38Z |
!nosomniel |
All Somniel-only functions (Forging, Engraving, Arena, Bond Rings,Cafe, Workout, Recreation, Well, DLC, Wyvern Ride, Fishing, Flea Market) are banned, with one exception: the teleporter to the final battle. |
8 |
kuroitsubasatenshi |
2023-06-19T20:39:10Z |
!onlyfeet |
Cavalry/fliers should be dismounted. No restrictions on foot classes. |
64 |
kuroitsubasatenshi |
2025-03-17T03:29:33Z |
!playdead |
Blarrrgh you've slain me |
11 |
czar_yoshi |
2020-02-29T21:56:18Z |
!pmu |
https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/13CVu5cACz19fZS1hF29f2THLXPv3WOf_umv2o7OcJDI/edit?usp=sharing |
23 |
kuroitsubasatenshi |
2022-10-15T02:22:21Z |
!poke |
CoeBot has been poked. |
18 |
czar_yoshi |
2020-02-29T21:56:18Z |
!rage |
*You got Rage!* |
7 |
czar_yoshi |
2020-02-29T21:56:18Z |
!reminimarathon |
Spend TP to pick my Awakening units for the FE Mini-Marathon! Purchases close end of stream Feb 2. https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1ncd7Ut1rc6tLewz-se4sqTPJN96U9IEG_Ax7mEzPuMo/edit?usp=sharing |
0 |
kuroitsubasatenshi |
2022-01-22T03:17:00Z |
!resetless |
Resetless Lunatic+: No rerolling map configurations, no grinding, no DLC, no Logbook, no Bonus Box, no Spotpass shops, no Anna shops, and no Barracks. Sparkly tiles will be avoided, and the run assumes a starting Renown of 260. |
10 |
kuroitsubasatenshi |
2021-03-09T02:21:02Z |
!rimshot |
Ba dum tsssssh! |
21 |
invidlord |
2020-02-29T21:56:18Z |
!rip |
C R O A K |
54 |
czar_yoshi |
2020-02-29T21:56:18Z |
!score |
Lunatic+ Resetless: 0-1 |
31 |
kuroitsubasatenshi |
2020-02-29T21:56:18Z |
!streamschedule |
Schedule (PT): Sun, Mon, Fri, 7PM: FE: Thracia Only Feet; Wed, Thurs, 7PM: Suikoden II HD Story |
38749 |
kuroitsubasatenshi |
2025-03-21T06:03:25Z |
!subtember |
Starting September 1, until the timer runs down, games played will be determined by vote! The timer can be extended, and votes can be cast, via subs, bits or donations! For the full rules, as well as what games will be available, see: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1IxeykaByDaOop-kbpTI5TkeAUYP1B83b6oDeCG_CRLU/ |
385 |
kuroitsubasatenshi |
2024-08-17T02:13:49Z |
!suikoden |
Schtoltenheim Reinbach III: "! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !" |
2 |
czar_yoshi |
2020-02-29T21:56:18Z |
!supportrobin |
Robin may only take combat as a lead unit until they use a Seal of any kind. Then they may only be the backpack/Dual Striker. 1000 Renown. |
10 |
kuroitsubasatenshi |
2024-11-05T03:04:56Z |
!takeyourkidstowork |
No Grinding or DLC. Anna, Sparkly Tiles, Barracks, and Bonus Box are allowed. All available Renown is allowed (up to 30 000 in this case). All kids must be recruited. Any deployment slots must be used for kids before any other non-required unit. |
30 |
kuroitsubasatenshi |
2023-10-14T02:03:53Z |
!tfjf |
Played on NG+. Randomly roll four non-Gambler classes, then choose one to discard. The fourth class is always Gambler and must always be represented. All classes have a representation limit of one, but can be sub-jobbed in any number; and their passives may be equipped in any number. Divining Rod is also legal, because I'll be looking up treasure anyway. |
9 |
kuroitsubasatenshi |
2023-12-28T01:51:40Z |
!tpcatalog |
Use TP to nominate a game for the Viewers' Choice time slot! For details, see: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1Td5fERcQLORqkTp5tS3joyIW6zzHYObFu2Ddk7KGi50/edit?usp=sharing |
3468 |
kuroitsubasatenshi |
2020-11-22T01:30:43Z |
!unpromoted |
Beat the game using unpromoted classes and no DLC. Special classes count as unpromoted. In maps where promoted units are mandatory, they can be used, but should be unequipped where possible. Promoted units must be demoted via Second Seal for any optional deployment. |
13 |
kuroitsubasatenshi |
2024-06-10T01:18:11Z |
!urn |
*You got a ? Painting! The ? Painting turned out to be a Failure Urn!* |
13 |
czar_yoshi |
2020-02-29T21:56:18Z |
!wr |
The current FE: Awakening any% WR is 32:53, held by Yukiya. |
1 |
kuroitsubasatenshi |
2021-02-22T07:11:09Z |
!xmas2016 |
Name a number from 1 to 100. Closest gets to pick a phrase: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1TS_T8TYxv1FWdU--X-zt7bXBAD9faYEgQ5aR4BH2qVc/edit?usp=sharing |
22 |
kuroitsubasatenshi |
2020-02-29T21:56:18Z |