# Quote Editor Edited
1 "Chickens are Nurds" - Zguy fp_zguy147 2016-03-24T23:10:45Z
2 "WE'RE GOING RAINBOW Z!!!" - Firereaper 2016 fp_zguy147 2016-03-25T03:25:40Z
3 "St33l is always right" - Fire 2016 fp_zguy147 2016-03-25T23:49:19Z
4 "Annoyinger" - Fire fp_zguy147 2016-03-26T04:13:08Z
5 "I have enough friends" - Fire fp_zguy147 2016-03-26T22:06:46Z
6 "One like for one chicken farmer" - Fire fp_zguy147 2016-03-26T23:18:05Z
7 "Your anus really got penetrated" - Marcos 2016 fp_zguy147 2016-03-26T23:19:42Z
8 "Keep her going" - Marcos fp_zguy147 2016-03-26T23:34:03Z
9 "If you flick your nipple, it'll get hard in less than 10 seconds" - StrafedUrNan fp_zguy147 2016-03-26T23:37:48Z
10 "Welcome to my channel, hope you enjoy the horrible quality, gameplay, and commentary." - Triippiing fp_zguy147 2016-03-26T23:41:54Z
11 "Tomorrow isn't Sunday, today is Saturday" - Marcos fp_zguy147 2016-03-26T23:44:37Z
12 "One does not simply deny liking Ashley" - Eliot fp_zguy147 2016-03-26T23:46:26Z
13 "Katy is luv, Katy is lyfe" - FireReaper fp_zguy147 2016-03-26T23:48:08Z
14 "Katy is your Wife" - St33L fp_zguy147 2016-03-26T23:48:32Z
15 "Two Cows One Chicken" - Fire fp_zguy147 2016-03-27T00:01:33Z
16 "How did they make these purple things?" - Eli fp_zguy147 2016-03-27T00:04:01Z
17 "Don't mess with the Taco Squad -Eli" warriorzplayzmc 2016-03-27T00:05:45Z
18 "we just got a letter I wonder who its from! Deaz Nutz -StrafedUrNan" warriorzplayzmc 2016-03-27T00:19:27Z
19 "when animals fight back" -StrafedUrNan" warriorzplayzmc 2016-03-27T00:21:26Z
20 "Breath if you want to date me" - Marcos fp_zguy147 2016-03-27T04:30:35Z
21 ohno "OHNOSOMANYFOLLOWERS" - Fire fp_zguy147 2016-04-22T00:07:27Z
22 ohyeh "Oh, yeah, I have to restart the stream after it crashes to actually be live..." - Fire fp_zguy147 2016-04-22T00:12:48Z
23 Worser - Zgay147 firereaper077 2016-04-24T03:00:18Z