Command Access Response Count Editor Edited
+backseat Subs Please note, many games that Bloodie plays on stream are either first-time plays, or newbie plays. She appreciates your advice but only when she's asking for it. Please no backseat gaming of any kind. (_ONLINE_CHECK_) 5766 blooddragon262626 2020-02-29T21:54:48Z
+blessedwow Subs Duo stream with the WoW Master?!? Watch both here!! [ [ Still Archmage Approved! ] 0 blooddragon262626 2020-02-29T21:54:48Z
+blizzcon All BlessedDragon has started the Road-to-Blizzcon, you can help out by contributing here! DRAGON IN A DRESS! TehePelo (_ONLINE_CHECK_) 2953 blessed_eternal 2020-02-29T21:54:48Z
+break All Hey Swagon! You've been at it for more than two hours, Get up and stretch (giggity) and get that 'Blood' flowin! SeemsGood (_ONLINE_CHECK_) 38 blooddragon262626 2020-07-29T22:32:05Z
+bso7 Mods #BSo7 is a salute made popular by Jax_Macky ( ) - When requested, fellow broadcasters are permitted to 'salute' o7 in chat to let others know you too stream. Please give these broadcasters some love and smash their follow button! 20 blooddragon262626 2020-02-29T21:54:48Z
+canada All My goal per month went up slightly to better work towards my goal of moving to Canada. 1 blooddragon262626 2021-07-19T19:39:18Z
+catch Subs (_PARAMETER_) 彡╯(^∀^╯) 0 kinkajou1015 2020-02-29T21:54:48Z
+ctt All Are you looking for today's Click-to-Tweet link? Use command +day (where the day is today's day, for example +friday)! 2 blooddragon262626 2020-02-29T21:54:48Z
+cuddlepuddle Subs darkYay ❤️ darkHeart ❤️ GivePLZ (_PARAMETER_) TakeNRG ❤️ darkHeart ❤️ darkYay ❤️ 186 blooddragon262626 2020-02-29T21:54:48Z
+deacon Subs Please note, many games that Bloodie plays on stream are either first-time plays, or newbie plays. She appreciates your advice but only when she's asking for it. Please no backseat gaming of any kind. (_ONLINE_CHECK_) 2 blessed_eternal 2020-02-29T21:54:48Z
+discord Subs Do you want to join the Renegades Official Fan Discord? The Renegades have an official discord! Ask a mod for a link at this time as we are working on a more permanent link. Please note, you may need to wait up to 24 hours for access, depending on how busy the mods are. 396 ashiescorner 2020-02-29T21:54:48Z
+dragonbreath Subs The Swagon is now in Canada (likely permanently, and as such, there will be different incentives to keep her lips flapping (and probably her arms and wings too). Today's incentive: For every $5 tip, she will take a teaspoon of Sriracha sauce, straight, and will not be permitted 'relief' for 30 seconds. For $20, it'll be a tablespoon instead. Enjoy! 208 blessed_eternal 2022-01-06T21:15:51Z
+duo Subs Hey, check out both perspectives here! 75 lilgamerhelle 2020-02-29T21:54:48Z
+dwi Subs DEAL WITH IT! 11 blooddragon262626 2020-02-29T21:54:48Z
+ears Subs GFDI BLOODIE. STAHP DOING THAT 26 blooddragon262626 2020-02-29T21:54:48Z
+english Subs Dat guud engiiish Bloodie 0 blooddragon262626 2020-02-29T21:54:48Z
+exe Subs Bloodie.exe has stopped responding. Please exit and restart the dragon 1 blooddragon262626 2020-02-29T21:54:48Z
+exe2 Subs Bloodie.exe has stopped responding. Pleas--- wait, Bloodie.exe just crashed. Any unsaved thoughts have been lost. Bloodie has officially gone full derpage. Never go full derpage. 0 blooddragon262626 2020-02-29T21:54:48Z
+fired Mods (_PARAMETER_CAPS_)! YOU ARE FIRED! Yes, you. Box. Your stuff. Out the front door. Parking lot. Car. Goodbye. 36 lilgamerhelle 2020-02-29T21:54:48Z
+flip Subs (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻ 1 bananapopsikul 2021-10-07T21:58:58Z
+follow Subs If you like my content, a follow is greatly appreciated! (_ONLINE_CHECK_) 730 blooddragon262626 2020-02-29T21:54:48Z
+friday All Click here for today's Click-to-Tweet Link #CTT 5 blooddragon262626 2020-02-29T21:54:48Z
+gigglesnort Mods Bloodie has nearly exploded with a new total gigglesnorts of (_VARS_gigglesnort_INCREMENT_(_PARAMETER_)_) 162 blessed_eternal 2020-02-29T21:54:48Z
+goal Subs Tip to help Bloodie and unlock stream goals! $750 = Monthly Goal Achieved, 24 Hour(Split) Stream Unlocked; $1500 = Facecam Unlocked for the rest of the month (minus art streams, because need more cameras); $2250 = Naughty&Nice (planned without her knowledge til live during marathon); and totally not more to come.. nope! Nothing to see! 0 blessed_eternal 2022-01-06T21:50:24Z
+goalold All Tip to help Bloodie and unlock stream goals! $750 = Monthly Goal Achieved, 24 Hour Stream Unlocked; $1500 = Facecam Unlocked for the rest of the month; $2250 = Naughty&Nice; and totally not more to come.. nope! Nothing to see! 413 blessed_eternal 2021-07-31T13:40:32Z
+gofollow Subs You should go follow (_PARAMETER_) coeBot, I mean, why wouldn't you?! 22 blooddragon262626 2020-02-29T21:54:48Z
+headcrumbs Subs Have you ever wanted to be a part of this awesome pack? Now you can! Just fill out this form: and be a part of our awesome headcrumbs! If you ever wanted to be a part of killing one of the team, now is your chance! Sign up now! (_ONLINE_CHECK_) 981 blooddragon262626 2020-02-29T21:54:48Z
+hostmode Subs WE GET IT TWITCH, YOU DID THE THING 0 blooddragon262626 2020-02-29T21:54:48Z
+hugs All /me (>^_^)> (_PARAMETER_) <(^_^<) 55 lilgamerhelle 2020-02-29T21:54:48Z
+isliv Subs 📎 Did you mean +issmexy? Kappu 0 blessed_eternal 2020-10-15T15:04:12Z
+issmexy All Yes, the Swagon is smexy and she has to deal with being called smexy. DWI! 42 blessed_eternal 2020-10-10T20:02:54Z
+july All The marathon schedule for July 2021 is right here! 68 blessed_eternal 2021-07-31T14:48:22Z
+kittystory All If you ever see a box full of abandonned kitty follow these instruction. You need to raise A kitty. The best way to start its education is to pick one up from the box than BURN the box full of ALL the other kitty's! That way it would learn that life is harsh and to always respect you. This is the TRUE way to adopt a Kitty and show who's the boss! Enjoy trying it !!! (please don't obviously) 2 chouin023 2020-10-11T00:08:23Z
+marathon All The Swagon has begun her marathon incentive shenanigans! All tips/subs/bits/etc that occur during Marathon will be counted toward the following month's +goal, so take advantage of those 'Naughty&Nice' incentives. LuvGift 57 blessed_eternal 2021-07-31T13:34:29Z
+merch All At my request, I asked Blessed to host my merch on his storefront, and now you can get my awesome merch on tshirts, hoodies, and more! Check it out, and if there's something you want to see, nudge me and I'll try to get it updated! 2 blessed_eternal 2021-07-31T15:09:02Z
+monday All Click here for today's Click-to-Tweet Link #CTT 1 blooddragon262626 2020-02-29T21:54:48Z
+panic Subs panicBasket Swagon darkPanic 4 lilgamerhelle 2020-02-29T21:54:48Z
+quad Subs Hey, check out each of the 4 perspectives here! 15 lilgamerhelle 2020-02-29T21:54:48Z
+quint Subs Hey, check out all freaking FIVE streams here! 0 lilgamerhelle 2020-02-29T21:54:48Z
+raf All Ready, Aim, Fire! LuvSign CurseLit PowerUpL TehePelo PowerUpR CurseLit LuvSign 9 blessed_eternal 2020-10-14T18:42:36Z
+raid Subs Go Raid (_PARAMETER_) 218 blooddragon262626 2020-03-03T01:38:28Z
+romuul Subs Romuul! Lick my <item>! 3 blessed_eternal 2020-02-29T21:54:48Z
+saturday Subs Click here for today's Click-to-Tweet Link #CTT 0 blooddragon262626 2020-02-29T21:54:48Z
+servicedog Subs I've been trying to raise money for a service dog that I'm in need of. If you have time to stop by and check out my GoFundme page I'd appreciate that so much. (_ONLINE_CHECK_) 1245 blooddragon262626 2020-02-29T21:54:48Z
+setkdk Subs +perm set (_PARAMETER_) 2 1 blooddragon262626 2020-02-29T21:54:48Z
+shady Subs 🎶 Time to do some shady shit 🎶 2 blessed_eternal 2023-08-23T22:24:31Z
+snacks All Not to be confused with snakes, but this dragon gets hungry. If you want to help the Swagon learn of the foods of the great land of Canada, check out my current limited time TreatStream! 1 blooddragon262626 2021-11-20T20:10:43Z
+sub Subs I now have a sub button! If you want to support me more, feel free to head over there and subscribe! (_ONLINE_CHECK_) 5369 blooddragon262626 2020-02-29T21:54:48Z
+test Subs THIS IS A ****ING TEST 611 thelilocean_b 2020-02-29T21:54:48Z
+tflip Subs (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻ 5723 blessed_eternal 2020-02-29T21:54:48Z
+throw Subs (╯°□°)╯彡 (_PARAMETER_) 4 kinkajou1015 2020-02-29T21:54:48Z
+tip Subs If you want to tip me and help me get you better content, feel free to here: (_ONLINE_CHECK_) 5823 blooddragon262626 2022-03-16T19:52:33Z
+titrequest Subs Here ya go, enjoy! 1 blessed_eternal 2020-02-29T21:54:49Z
+trio Subs Hey, check out all three perspectives here! 66 lilgamerhelle 2020-02-29T21:54:49Z
+unflip All ┬─┬ ノ( ゜-゜ノ) 3 blooddragon262626 2021-10-07T21:56:44Z
+wishlist All Have I mentioned something needed for streams or in general while live? Did you want to send me said item? Well, now I have a wish list so you can send me things now! *No, you cannot have my address, the site takes care of shipping! Head over here to take a look! 3 blooddragon262626 2022-01-15T18:50:57Z
+wow Subs Want to watch all prospectives? Click here! (Yes, it is Archmage approved.) 0 blooddragon262626 2020-02-29T21:54:49Z
+wowmusic Subs The music parodies heard during Blood's WoW streams are done by Silver Letomi, an awesome parody lady! Go give her love and tell her I sent you! and 36 blooddragon262626 2020-02-29T21:54:49Z
+wowwednesday Subs Want to watch both prospectives? Click here! (Yes, it is still Archmage approved.) 0 blooddragon262626 2020-02-29T21:54:49Z
+zero Subs STOP BEING LEWD!'re zero... as you were 3 lilgamerhelle 2020-02-29T21:54:49Z