Command Access Response Count Editor Edited
+ads Mods Taking a short break, get up and stretch. (_COMMERCIAL_) 2 kinkajou1015 2020-02-29T21:54:46Z
+backseat Subs Blessed plays a lot of these games blind. He has his own unique way of playing the game that most times goes against what other people do. Please allow him to play the game in his own way. Mods will take appropriate action if asked to stop backseat gaming on more than one occasion. 1 blessed_eternal 2020-02-29T21:54:46Z
+badplan Subs This is bad plan. This is VERY BAD plan. 5 blessed_eternal 2020-02-29T21:54:46Z
+bloodiestuff All Blood is temporarily 'taking over' the channel from time to time due to shenanigans with her Americanisms and international bull💩ery. All tips/bits/subs/etc are still going to the same 'hoam', don't worry.. she'll get her share 0 blessed_eternal 2024-03-19T19:23:38Z
+boop All boops (_PARAMETER_). ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ 17 blessed_eternal 2020-02-29T21:54:46Z
+break Subs Hey! Blessed! You've been at it for more than two hours, you should probably get up and take a moment to stretch your legs you lazy ass! SeemsGood (_ONLINE_CHECK_) 432 blessed_eternal 2020-02-29T21:54:46Z
+bso7 Broadcaster #BSo7 is a salute made popular by Jax_Macky ( ) - When requested, fellow broadcasters are permitted to 'salute' o7 in chat to let others know you too stream. Please give these broadcasters some love and smash their follow button! 73 blessed_eternal 2020-02-29T21:54:46Z
+cci All Blessed has Content Creator Integration installed in this instance. If you would like to have a chance at murdering him and making him restart his world, any tips, hosts, subs/resubs, raids and bits will help with that. A list of the outcomes is available here, and will be updated to include bits as well soon. 3 blooddragon262626 2022-02-28T16:18:03Z
+cguide Mods Got smacked? 0 blessed_eternal 2021-01-22T15:14:45Z
+comrequest All So you're an artist and wanting Blessed to hire you for work? Well, Blessed accepts only emailed inquiries and does not accept this info via Discord or during stream. Please visit and use the business email to proceed. Do not link your Discord, email, website, or other things in Twitch chat. Email only. Thanks! 0 blessed_eternal 2024-02-22T20:36:01Z
+ctt All Are you looking for today's Click-to-Tweet link? Use command +day (where the day is today's day, for example +friday)! 5 blessed_eternal 2020-02-29T21:54:46Z
+cuddlepuddle All 💜 darkYay ❤ darkHeart ♥ GivePLZ (_PARAMETER_) TakeNRG ♥ darkHeart ❤ darkYay 💜 52 kinkajou1015 2020-02-29T21:54:46Z
+discord All Do you want to join the Renegades Official Fan Discord? Ask a mod for the link! (_ONLINE_CHECK_) 753 blessed_eternal 2020-08-03T00:19:05Z
+duo All Hey, check out both perspectives here! 76 blessed_eternal 2020-02-29T21:54:46Z
+dwi Subs This sums it up 12 blessed_eternal 2020-02-29T21:54:46Z
+ears Subs OBLIGATORY EARS COMMAND 22 thelilocean_b 2020-02-29T21:54:46Z
+exe Subs Blessed.exe has stopped responding. Please add coffee and restart the Blessed. 0 blooddragon262626 2020-02-29T21:54:47Z
+feldrake All For more information on the Feldrake and other World of Warcraft drops, click here! 1 blessed_eternal 2022-11-22T16:51:40Z
+friday All Click here for today's Click-to-Tweet link! #CTT 3 blessed_eternal 2020-02-29T21:54:47Z
+gamelist Subs Blessed's Stream Goal gamelist can be found here! 15 blessed_eternal 2020-02-29T21:54:47Z
+go Mods You heard the man - 3, 2, 1, go! 23 blessed_eternal 2020-02-29T21:54:47Z
+gofollow Mods You should go follow (_PARAMETER_), I mean, why wouldn't you?! 309 blessed_eternal 2020-02-29T21:54:47Z
+holiday2018 All Curious about the Holiday Giveaway this year? Go here for all the details, and how to enter! 20 blessed_eternal 2020-02-29T21:54:47Z
+humble Subs Interested in Humble Choice and supporting Blessed too? Sign up using this referral link 0 blessed_eternal 2020-10-20T16:57:20Z
+ign Subs The group is presently not accepting friend requests, nor allowing others to join them. Please respect their wishes. 12 blessed_eternal 2020-02-29T21:54:47Z
+inquiries All All business related inquiries, from artist commission offers, to sponsorships, to simply a business related question goes through Blessed's work email, not Twitter, not Facebook, not Discord DMs. Please email Blessed at [email protected] if you're looking to talk shop. 0 blessed_eternal 2023-12-29T19:13:26Z
+ip Subs IP: 4 blessed_eternal 2020-02-29T21:54:47Z
+lewd Subs Y'all are naughty. Especially Zero. 16 ashiescorner 2020-02-29T21:54:47Z
+mindcrack All CoolStoryBob The Mindcrack 1.20.1 server for Minecraft can now be accessed through Patreon membership, more details can be found here: 14 blooddragon262626 2023-07-19T23:07:23Z
+missedit Subs Did you miss the Pre-Show and want to get caught up? Here's the link from the entire Pre-Show 46 blessed_eternal 2020-02-29T21:54:47Z
+monday All Click here for today's Click-to-Tweet link! #CTT 1 blessed_eternal 2020-02-29T21:54:47Z
+netneutrality Subs Wondering what that bright red banner is about? Twitch, and many sites are in support of Net Neutrality. For more info please go here: (_ONLINE_CHECK_) 21 blessed_eternal 2020-02-29T21:54:47Z
+news1 Subs [News 1] Don't forget to hit 'Follow' on Twitch to always know when Blessed Eternal goes live! (_ONLINE_CHECK_) 15173 blessed_eternal 2020-02-29T21:54:47Z
+news2 Subs [News 2] Like the stream? Buy the merch! Show your support for Blessed and get some great merchandise too! (_ONLINE_CHECK_) 15101 blessed_eternal 2020-02-29T21:54:47Z
+news3 Subs [News 3] This is Blessed's full time job. He doesn't ask you for money, but if you enjoy the show and wonder how to help out, any tip is appreciated! If you wish to 'tip the man', firstly, thank you in advance! Secondly, here's how! (_ONLINE_CHECK_) 14991 blessed_eternal 2022-03-17T16:31:54Z
+news4 Subs [News 4] If you follow Blessed Eternal on Twitter, you'll keep up to date on new updates, details and other things, not just alerts that he just went live! (_ONLINE_CHECK_) 15008 blessed_eternal 2020-02-29T21:54:47Z
+news5 Subs [News 5] I now have a sub button on Twitch, but if you want a bit more bang for your buck, there's also Gamewisp. Subscribe to me on GameWisp for great rewards!" (_ONLINE_CHECK_) 1028 blessed_eternal 2020-02-29T21:54:47Z
+nexus All Do you need a new game? Check out and support Blessed with every purchase! 24 blessed_eternal 2020-10-27T02:26:40Z
+owned Mods You are my master, (_USER_) 6 kinkajou1015 2020-02-29T21:54:47Z
+preshow All During Blessed's Pre-Show events, everyone is reminded to pop out your Twitch-chat so that you can enjoy both the video and the community. Click the links that are given and buffer up the video. There will be a 3, 2, 1, PLAY in chat (or something like it), at which time everyone will hit play together. 31 blessed_eternal 2020-02-29T21:54:47Z
+pronouns Subs Blessed doesn't really care much about pronouns at the moment, so feel free to use he/him | she/her | they/them. As a bigender individual they all work at some points and are all wrong at others. The safest universal term (personally) is they/them, so if in doubt, use that! <3 0 blessed_eternal 2022-08-31T15:54:55Z
+quad All Hey, check out each of the 4 perspectives here! 31 blessed_eternal 2020-02-29T21:54:47Z
+quint All Hey, check out all freaking FIVE streams here! 3 blessed_eternal 2020-02-29T21:54:47Z
+raid Mods Go Raid (_PARAMETER_) 818 blessed_eternal 2020-03-02T03:13:11Z
+readnote Subs Notes: "(_VARS_(_PARAMETER_)_GET_)" 23 fireredlily 2020-03-02T00:52:38Z
+rig All The avatar, that you see in my streams, is presently made by @BloodDragon262626 (yes ping because can). She's an amateur rigging artist #NotBeingLewd, but if you're interested, her commissions are currently opened (and she can edit this command if that changes) BloodTrail 10 blooddragon262626 2022-02-12T18:28:58Z
+romuul Subs Romuul! Lick my <item>! 7 blessed_eternal 2020-02-29T21:54:47Z
+saturday All Click here for today's Click-to-Tweet Link #CTT 0 blessed_eternal 2020-02-29T21:54:47Z
+server Subs Server: 0 blessed_eternal 2020-02-29T21:54:47Z
+sexy All The abbreviation for sextuple is quite unfortunate.. Check out all SIX sexy people here! 2 blessed_eternal 2020-02-29T21:54:47Z
+sigil Subs (_USER_) has "I have no damn clue" Sigil... Go ask StreamElements, she might know. PSST it's !sigil \o/ 15 blessed_eternal 2020-02-29T21:54:47Z
+songrequest Subs No! 1 kinkajou1015 2020-02-29T21:54:47Z
+soon Subs Soon™ 42 blessed_eternal 2020-02-29T21:54:47Z
+streamgoal Subs For every individual separate stream goal, Blessed will do a game giveaway! The goals are 10 individual follows, 3 Gamewisp subscribers, 3 Twitch subscribers, and/or 10% of the monthly goal total. That means each stream, there is the chance of four giveaways! (_ONLINE_CHECK_) 1007 blessed_eternal 2020-02-29T21:54:47Z
+sunday Subs Click here for today's Click-to-Tweet link! #CTT 0 blessed_eternal 2020-02-29T21:54:47Z
+takenote Mods Notes taken! "(_VARS_(_PARAMETER_)_SET_(_PARAMETER_)_)" 25 kinkajou1015 2020-02-29T21:54:47Z
+test Subs (_UPTIME_) 10 kinkajou1015 2020-02-29T21:54:47Z
+tflip Subs (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻ 243 blessed_eternal 2020-02-29T21:54:47Z
+throne All Ever want to buy Blessed something but didn't want to throw monies? Check out Blessed's Throne! No, not a fancy chair, but you can probably suggest one, then buy it later! 12 blessed_eternal 2022-01-25T17:19:56Z
+thursday All Click here for today's Click-to-Tweet link! #CTT 1 blessed_eternal 2020-02-29T21:54:47Z
+tip Subs If you wish to "tip the old man", firstly, thank you in advance! Secondly, here's how! 4 blooddragon262626 2022-01-10T23:19:09Z
+titrequest Subs Here ya go, enjoy! 0 blessed_eternal 2020-02-29T21:54:47Z
+trio All Hey, check out all three perspectives here! 77 blessed_eternal 2020-02-29T21:54:47Z
+trion Subs Blessed plays a few games by Trion Worlds, and has joined the ranks as 'Trion World Creator' Like what you see, then toss a tweet @TrionWorlds telling them how much you enjoy the Defiance and Trove streams! Don't forget to tag Blessed in the tweet too (@_blessedeternal) 0 blessed_eternal 2020-02-29T21:54:47Z
+tuesday All Click here for today's Click-to-Tweet link! #CTT 0 blessed_eternal 2020-02-29T21:54:47Z
+twitter Subs Want to stalk me outside of twitch? Go follow me over on twitter! 35 blooddragon262626 2020-02-29T21:54:47Z
+unusednews1 Subs [News 1] Mugs, Magnets, Mousepads, oh my! Want some cool stuff? Check out (_ONLINE_CHECK_) 0 blessed_eternal 2020-02-29T21:54:47Z
+unusednews6 Subs [News 6] This is Blessed's full time job. He doesn't ask you for money, but if you enjoy the show and wonder how to help out, any tip is appreciated! All tips at the moment go directly into bringing you better content. If you wish to 'tip the man', firstly, thank you in advance! Secondly, here's how! (_ONLINE_CHECK_) 1 blessed_eternal 2020-02-29T21:54:47Z
+unusednews7 Subs [News 7] Blessed plays a few games by Trion Worlds, and has joined the ranks as 'Trion World Creator' Like what you see, then toss a tweet @TrionWorlds telling them how much you enjoy the Defiance and Trove streams! Don't forget to tag Blessed in the tweet too (@_blessedeternal) (_ONLINE_CHECK_) 0 blessed_eternal 2020-02-29T21:54:47Z
+uua Mods (_BAN_), Twitch ToS Section 2: The Twitch Service is not available to persons under the age of 13. If you are between the ages of 13 and 18 (or between 13 and the age of legal majority in your country of residence), you may only use the Twitch Service under the supervision of a parent or legal guardian who agrees to be bound by these Terms of Service. 0 blessed_eternal 2020-02-29T21:54:47Z
+vintage Subs Vintage Story is a voxel sandbox survival game with Lovecraftian influence. 0 blessed_eternal 2020-10-20T17:03:59Z
+wednesday All Click here for today's Click-to-Tweet link! #CTT 0 blessed_eternal 2020-02-29T21:54:47Z
+whynot Subs What's the worst that could happen! BCouch 12 blessed_eternal 2020-02-29T21:54:47Z
+wowhead Subs Curious how to do <blank> in World of Warcraft? Wowhead might help CoolStoryBob 0 blessed_eternal 2020-02-29T21:54:47Z
+wowmusic Subs The music parodies heard during Blessed's WoW streams are done by Silver Letomi, an awesome parody lady! Go give her love and tell her I sent you! and 89 blessed_eternal 2020-02-29T21:54:47Z
+wowrules All Blessed is trying to clear all quests without outleveling the content. Here are his rules: 1) Heirlooms and white/grey gear only 2) Must level lock at appropriate points in content 3) All viable quests must be completed in each content to continue to the next expansion 4) Professions must be maxed for the appropriate expansion before continuing to the next expansion 5) Profession gear excluded from white/grey rule 1 blooddragon262626 2023-10-19T00:16:42Z