# Trigger Regex Response Count Editor Edited
4 *friend*code* ^.*friend.*code.*$ Kit's Steam Friend Code is: 113612002 18 awildkitsune 2023-01-20T09:43:43Z
9 *gamersupps* ^.*gamersupps.*$ HEY YOU! GUESS WHAT?! If you use code DOMMYMOMMY when during checkout, you get 10% off your entire order! 5 awildkitsune 2025-01-15T06:23:43Z
10 *what*is*this*game* ^.*what.*is.*this.*game.*$ This is (_GAME_) and you can see that under the stream title ^u^ 0 awildkitsune 2025-01-15T06:24:52Z
11 *what*game*is*this* ^.*what.*game.*is.*this.*$ This is (_GAME_) and you can see that under the stream title ^u^ 4 awildkitsune 2025-01-15T06:25:07Z
12 *what*game*are*you* ^.*what.*game.*are.*you.*$ This is (_GAME_) and you can see that under the stream title ^u^ 0 awildkitsune 2025-01-15T06:28:46Z
13 *humble*bundle* ^.*humble.*bundle.*$ Did you know Kit has a partnership with Humble Bundle!? 0 awildkitsune 2025-01-15T06:34:12Z