# Quote Editor Edited
1 Oh look at your cute little legs! I'mm going to stab you in the belly! alatus 2020-11-26T03:28:02Z
2 Oh, this is a terrible time to be a bunny. gridmonkey 2016-03-09T04:25:53Z
3 Please! Bitch! Tits! alatus 2020-11-26T03:29:27Z
4 I'm so good at this! ....I hate this game. alatus 2020-11-26T03:30:56Z
5 I reserve the right to ignore your advice, even if it's really good. alatus 2020-11-26T03:31:46Z
6 Can I punch a tree? hell yeah! gridmonkey 2016-03-09T04:31:03Z
7 One punch, suck it! gridmonkey 2016-03-09T04:31:36Z
8 I'm sorry Grid did you want......... well never mind I can't think of the end of the insult gridmonkey 2016-03-09T04:31:53Z
9 I have to be stubborn for the sake of it, kind of a hallmark. gridmonkey 2016-03-27T04:00:33Z
10 It's hard to assault food but it's easy to put parts of your anatomy in it alatus 2020-11-26T03:33:21Z
11 OK, we're going to pretend that the last 43 minutes never happened gridmonkey 2016-10-10T00:24:45Z
12 I would've told him to go fuck himself. gridmonkey 2016-10-10T00:59:26Z
13 I can't brain gridmonkey 2016-10-10T04:28:37Z
14 Ignore chat until better things happen gridmonkey 2016-10-17T00:39:53Z
15 All my quotes at this point are terrible... i know because i just looked at them gridmonkey 2016-10-17T00:40:48Z
16 Definitely always did that. ...sometimes. alatus 2020-11-26T03:34:34Z
17 OH GOD, they're on my face.. THEY'RE ON MY FACE! gridmonkey 2016-10-19T00:57:11Z
18 Coffee is very difficult to clean out of deadpool's crevasses gridmonkey 2016-12-31T02:01:29Z
19 welcome to the stream! shit. alatus 2020-11-26T03:35:38Z
20 Oh... he looks so innocent, and I'm going to DESTROY him alatus 2020-11-26T03:36:11Z
21 Today is just such a bad verbal diarrhea day gridmonkey 2017-04-28T04:54:32Z
22 I'm just so distracted by all the booty spanking alatus 2020-11-26T03:36:36Z
23 We've literally looked up the monkey's asshole; where else could we have to look right now? ehoey08 2017-05-01T01:18:41Z
24 I'm not learning, I haven't learned, I don't know what true suffering is alatus 2020-11-26T03:37:44Z
25 Link, why do you have to be so extra? gridmonkey 2017-05-13T03:30:26Z
26 I really liked getting eaten the first time, I wanted to do it again gridmonkey 2017-05-17T23:48:32Z
27 oh, i get it..OH I get it... OH OH I GET IT! gridmonkey 2017-05-23T01:15:45Z
28 These people don't want cats AHHH SPIDERS!!!! alatus 2020-11-26T03:38:37Z
29 Ah fuck I'm hitting myself. gridmonkey 2017-05-28T04:24:49Z
30 I don't want to tilt any balls with Tingle gridmonkey 2017-06-05T01:45:18Z
31 Say hello to my little... uh-oh... -Grid alatus 2020-11-26T03:39:22Z
32 I love just standing here and throwing shit gridmonkey 2017-07-13T01:54:55Z
33 God I love punching these dudes in the face...AHHH sh¡t he punched me in the face!!! alatus 2020-11-26T03:40:24Z
34 I was trying to say something clever, but let's be real. gridmonkey 2017-08-15T23:05:35Z
35 AHA, I was right.. being right is my favorite hobby gridmonkey 2017-08-18T00:35:10Z
36 Invisibility cannot save you from the void gridmonkey 2017-10-01T01:50:49Z
37 "look at how much we have this" *dies* gridmonkey 2017-10-07T01:54:48Z
38 I wish dead stuff was purple gridmonkey 2017-10-24T02:17:31Z
39 in my defense I was thinking about pizza alatus 2020-11-26T03:41:05Z
40 Oh cool, another sky anus! gridmonkey 2017-11-02T03:34:35Z
41 I really hope this whole country burns gridmonkey 2017-11-02T05:33:20Z
42 Sometimes the words leave my mouth and I wish they didn't. alatus 2020-11-26T03:41:55Z
43 I don't know when the sky anus quote will be applicable but it is not applicable. gridmonkey 2017-11-21T04:27:58Z
44 Thanks for being supportive as i killed myself on the spikes -singingstressbaker gridmonkey 2017-11-25T23:30:42Z
45 Oh I'm so excited to get up in this hole. gridmonkey 2017-12-06T03:51:23Z
46 I'll drown before i take a spider to the face. gridmonkey 2017-12-16T02:28:34Z
47 fuck this game!! fuck this game!! dammit I still need to be a pumpkin!! alatus 2020-11-26T03:42:49Z
48 Maybe she wasn't clever for 6 months - thesingingstressbaker gridmonkey 2018-01-09T00:41:39Z
49 That's how you keep from getting older, feed your cake blood gridmonkey 2018-01-12T01:16:58Z
50 Oh yeah! Give me that sweet, sweet, beef! alatus 2020-11-26T03:44:39Z
51 I don't know what i thought was going to happen. gridmonkey 2018-01-28T00:57:35Z
52 The only thing I hate about this game is that it's way too easy to slide right back into that crack. alatus 2020-11-26T03:45:20Z
53 Get in the hole! Get in the hole! Do it! alatus 2020-11-26T03:45:40Z
54 "The bottom is my favorite place, there are so many possibilities!" ironclark 2018-02-16T01:17:39Z
55 "You can't even touch me. Real hard." ironclark 2018-02-17T01:57:25Z
56 "This one's so hard to see because it's so big" ironclark 2018-02-17T02:00:39Z
57 "I'm a unique weasel, buuuuddddy!" ironclark 2018-02-17T02:18:38Z
58 [REDACTED] Please seek professional help. gridmonkey 2018-08-09T13:47:03Z
59 "We are popping this cherry alright." ironclark 2018-02-23T01:11:40Z
60 "I really do love the penis rocks" ironclark 2018-02-23T02:01:05Z
61 "I want to go in his...his deally here" ironclark 2018-02-24T23:20:29Z
62 "Who knew getting shit on would feel so good" ironclark 2018-02-25T01:16:19Z
63 "I'm brilliant" ironclark 2018-02-25T01:22:14Z
64 "Oh you're cute, oh fuck you!" ironclark 2018-02-25T03:08:47Z
65 "Fuck you not a secret!!" ironclark 2018-02-25T04:17:34Z
66 Imma get your butt gridmonkey 2018-02-25T04:33:24Z
67 "Who's taint are we tickling now?" ironclark 2018-03-01T00:55:21Z
68 "We will be the Dampest Twitch stream..." ironclark 2018-03-04T00:16:36Z
69 "You are a wonderful pile of human trash" ironclark 2018-03-06T23:53:43Z
70 "I LOVE tentacles!" ironclark 2018-03-08T01:06:31Z
71 "Oh I want to kill a goat." ironclark 2018-03-11T01:30:55Z
72 "Name him Grid? No I dont want to get bucked off all the time!" ironclark 2018-03-11T02:05:57Z
73 "I have never forgotten anything!" ironclark 2018-03-14T00:51:30Z
74 All I wanted to do was take off my clothes and talk to people, and then it made me feel things alatus 2020-11-26T03:49:05Z
75 "Oh my god, this is like my first time seeing the Ender Dragon! It so long....and wiggly!" ironclark 2018-03-14T23:58:41Z
76 "Looks like a weird forest butthole..." ironclark 2018-03-16T00:34:09Z
77 "Eat me, frog! Eat me!" ironclark 2018-03-17T00:12:17Z
78 "You can't be the chat that just shouts PENIS!" ironclark 2018-03-19T23:06:53Z
79 "We will probably have to find something to shove in THAT hole." ironclark 2018-03-20T00:16:13Z
80 "I am so glad we have top quality butt plugs...." ironclark 2018-03-20T01:01:10Z
81 "Its so hard because its so big...." ironclark 2018-03-20T01:23:48Z
82 "I am actually not having internet problems for the first time in my life!" ironclark 2018-03-25T00:53:56Z
83 I just want to do a murder, come on. gridmonkey 2018-04-07T23:53:06Z
84 "We are just fucking these sheep." ironclark 2018-04-15T23:33:47Z
85 IAMSarahSaysSo: no ok dude fuck you??? in the future dont fucking four stack as hanzo genji artanis and lost vikings????? and expect a qm rando healer tobe abelt o hadn le your bullshit?????? ... oh shit .... thats uh thats in the wrong window. gridmonkey 2018-04-16T00:46:00Z
86 "Just open up out sister and store things inside her chest cavity" ironclark 2018-04-19T00:02:34Z
87 "It's good for my hair, that Kappa shower" ironclark 2018-04-21T00:13:22Z
88 "I feel like a rooster. And these are all my weird little ducklings" ironclark 2018-04-21T01:33:38Z
89 "Oh yeah, we are going to stuff that shit right into that octopus, oh yeah...oh yeah...feels good man, feels good!" ironclark 2018-05-02T22:48:47Z
90 BRAIN HANDS alatusk 2018-05-11T05:04:40Z
91 When you find food you gotta make out. gridmonkey 2018-05-17T02:51:58Z
92 Welcome to the Alatus word diarrhea stream gridmonkey 2018-05-17T02:52:50Z
93 Don't suck on the pigs! gridmonkey 2018-05-17T03:35:49Z
94 In defense of fan fiction.... i have nothing to say. gridmonkey 2018-05-18T23:48:09Z
95 I dont know what we need that for so I'll shove it in that hole right there. gridmonkey 2018-05-19T00:51:54Z
96 "Also Ohio sucks" ironclark 2018-05-20T19:48:19Z
97 "This is a safe sex stream....oh god dont say that..." ironclark 2018-05-24T23:38:16Z
98 i see you've enjoyed my porn chunk - IAMSarahSaysSo gridmonkey 2018-05-26T02:30:25Z
99 I don't understand why you wont let me fuck up your sinuses gridmonkey 2018-05-30T03:21:42Z
100 "What is touching me? What keeps coming up behind me and poking me in the ass with a sharp knife!?" ironclark 2018-06-05T00:58:44Z
101 Ahhh that was a lot of missiles. Stop doing that.... Ok, maybe do it a little.. gridmonkey 2018-06-08T23:32:56Z
102 "I cant read." ironclark 2018-06-11T22:50:37Z
103 “My siren call is irresistible. *whale mating call* That was my siren call” ironclark 2018-06-12T00:13:43Z
104 "If my tongue can't tell me, I don't need to know!" ironclark 2018-06-13T00:56:34Z
105 "This game has put its dick in my desktop!" ironclark 2018-06-14T00:37:32Z
106 "I'm a plaid wearing biker bitch!" ironclark 2018-06-14T23:02:17Z
107 "The last time I was in your car, we went like 400 degrees...speed...miles per hour!" ironclark 2018-06-21T01:01:55Z
108 "Okay, lets put CrissAngel in a box for a little while..." ironclark 2018-06-27T01:06:19Z
109 "My mouth looks like a unicorn's butthole and I've never been happier in my life." metalmongrel 2018-06-27T01:16:53Z
110 "Xeno! I don't need your butthole man!" ironclark 2018-06-28T01:24:48Z
111 This is extra strength, 800 milligram BULLSHIT alatus 2020-11-26T03:53:26Z
112 "Now we have a normal Human Voltorb" ironclark 2018-07-01T00:14:41Z
113 "GOD DAMMIT, SON OF A MOTHER FUCKER, GAAAAAAAAH" ironclark 2018-07-01T00:25:10Z
114 "Marshmallows and dreams? Is that what they are calling bullshit now a days?" ironclark 2018-07-05T01:36:00Z
115 "I only know one word in sign language, and its vagina." ironclark 2018-07-10T00:53:25Z
116 What is this? hurty tetris, i wanna touch it...i shouldn't touch it gridmonkey 2018-07-17T00:19:45Z
117 “Thank you Lord Pewdiepie..[shudders] even saying that out loud hurts” ironclark 2018-07-19T23:05:19Z
118 “Oh yeah, circle jerk is my favorite move too, yeah” ironclark 2018-07-20T00:28:20Z
119 Stop trying to confuse my spider! metalmongrel 2018-07-20T23:07:16Z
120 Aim your thingy at the screen - singingstressbaker gridmonkey 2018-07-29T00:50:52Z
121 "Cyphers are gun" -GridMonkey metalmongrel 2018-07-30T01:35:14Z
122 "I can't name that Pokemon Jafar because it's dead. I killed it." metalmongrel 2018-08-03T01:03:16Z
123 "I was so distracted by buttholes, I'm just...oh well" ironclark 2018-08-08T00:27:24Z
124 "I need your flesh to make money!" metalmongrel 2018-08-09T01:25:08Z
125 "Taking advantage of your corpse!" metalmongrel 2018-08-09T02:28:34Z
126 "Oh come on! Quit shitting your coins all over the spikes! I have places to be and spikes arent one of them!" ironclark 2018-08-14T23:51:07Z
127 "They just showed us a legendary asshole" ironclark 2018-08-15T23:27:16Z
128 "Puumba, you gotta start hakuna-ing some tatas." metalmongrel 2018-08-16T23:51:58Z
129 "I dont remember saying that quote." metalmongrel 2018-08-16T23:52:55Z
130 ""Oh its huge!" Grid says over my shoulder" ironclark 2018-08-30T23:49:28Z
131 "I still have several birds so I'm okay." metalmongrel 2018-08-30T23:54:00Z
132 "I wish I could just fart on command" ironclark 2018-08-31T00:10:25Z
133 "The toilet is in our hearts, Sarah." metalmongrel 2018-08-31T01:55:19Z
134 "Come on, patients! Doctor Alatus is here, take ya pants off!" metalmongrel 2018-09-01T02:46:33Z
135 "Is there some way...I can make the camera...less attached to our ass" ironclark 2018-09-03T23:18:52Z
136 "Full restore my ass" metalmongrel 2018-09-04T02:26:43Z
137 "Stop confusing my orbs" metalmongrel 2018-09-04T02:50:31Z
138 "Aw man, meat shits are the worst" ironclark 2018-09-06T22:32:48Z
139 "I like this cup, it keeps the coffee hot so long... GODDAMN IT IT'S SO HOT" metalmongrel 2018-09-08T22:52:54Z
140 "'Awoooo,' fucking ghosts. Thinking they know ghost shit." metalmongrel 2018-09-09T00:09:08Z
141 "STOP CONFUSING MY PLANTS" metalmongrel 2018-09-10T01:52:36Z
142 Ala: "How do I get rid of this?" Grid: "You can't. It's a mountain." metalmongrel 2018-09-14T23:53:30Z
143 "He just sits there and laughs now like, 'FISH LOL'" metalmongrel 2018-09-16T00:30:47Z
144 "Suck it Mr.Mime!" metalmongrel 2018-09-17T01:45:19Z
145 Equal Opportunity Boob Jokes iamsarahsaysso 2018-09-18T00:11:14Z
146 “I see my face and go “Wow! who’s that bitch? She ugly!” Don’t look at me Grid.” ironclark 2018-09-23T23:19:54Z
147 Call the Airforce and tell them tanks need turn signals gridmonkey 2018-09-23T23:48:38Z
148 “I never thought about Pokémon Go from the perspective of a pedophile” ironclark 2018-09-24T00:45:57Z
149 That came out wrong gridmonkey 2018-09-24T23:20:24Z
150 "I'll just look you right in the ass and eat ice cream." metalmongrel 2018-09-27T00:48:58Z
151 Oh god oh god he's eating my foot..oh god...*kick's head off* oh nice! gridmonkey 2018-10-01T22:59:11Z
152 "Fuck you straight to heck!" metalmongrel 2018-10-04T00:20:40Z
153 "All of you putting an end to the scourge of Iron-FUCK- IronClark" ironclark 2018-10-07T00:00:23Z
154 "I dont think you just go yank yank yank and it purrs." metalmongrel 2018-10-09T23:17:14Z
155 8 year old Alatus was a furry, dont fuck with me alatusk 2018-11-14T00:47:08Z
156 When you're inside it, it is distracted. alatus 2020-11-26T03:57:20Z
157 We haven't been able to do things here by accident, we've barely been able to do things on purpose. gridmonkey 2019-01-08T04:01:03Z
158 AlatusK, we suck like we always used to but now we suck with crystal clear audio and sharp video. Come check us out gridmonkey 2019-02-27T03:53:23Z
159 " whoa, im going to be bad at this " *instantly dies* gridmonkey 2019-04-01T23:31:02Z
160 "I'm doing so -OW" ironclark 2019-04-04T00:28:38Z
161 Thanks, i hate it! gridmonkey 2019-04-19T00:11:26Z
162 Everybody's gonna laugh at me because I got sucked on by a butt hole with teeth again! gridmonkey 2019-11-24T22:54:44Z
164 This is Zelda, I'm assuming if it has eyes you gotta put things in them. gridmonkey 2019-11-24T22:58:16Z
165 TADA! it's a PARAMETER! gridmonkey 2019-11-25T01:24:52Z
166 "I thought you had to play him a tune not just take your stick out in front of him" gridmonkey 2019-11-29T02:41:12Z
167 So many games but I am only one noodle. alatus 2019-12-02T05:10:51Z
168 I'm just really resentful when I'm not immediately perfect gridmonkey 2019-12-13T01:27:04Z
169 POOCHY!! What the FUCK! gridmonkey 2019-12-13T01:29:28Z
170 Everything hurts karyotype 2019-12-14T02:02:38Z
171 These... can't be that complicated. gridmonkey 2019-12-31T00:02:27Z
172 Just kidding, this is complicated. gridmonkey 2019-12-31T00:02:55Z
173 Ok, so I think I have a solid handle on this mechanic... *brain shorts out* alatus 2020-11-26T03:58:33Z
174 I'm lost and i hate myself gridmonkey 2020-01-03T01:38:01Z
175 They are really making me learn new things, and I hate it. alatus 2020-11-26T03:58:56Z
176 GIVE ME MY TURKEY.....FUCK YOU!!!!!! gridmonkey 2020-02-17T01:23:19Z
177 If they wanted me...NO god noooo oh god no oh fuck oh god oh no... if they wanted me not to jump in the void it should have a sign like this... gridmonkey 2020-02-23T23:58:12Z
178 I knew I shouldn't have come back to streaming if I was going to be this persecuted alatus 2020-11-26T03:59:27Z
179 It's just like an angel shit in your mouth karyotype 2020-03-17T23:17:56Z
180 Invite your grandma.....fuuuuuck... gridmonkey 2020-03-19T22:53:49Z
181 "I'm too bouncy, how do i stop bouncing?!?" - Baker gridmonkey 2020-03-22T22:27:04Z
182 That came really fast and took a lot of hits. gridmonkey 2020-05-04T23:53:18Z
183 People go through this on fists only, I am sure gridmonkey 2020-05-04T23:56:28Z
184 I bet that will feel good, on my fleshy human bits ladyhumbug 2020-05-04T23:59:12Z
185 I also know that I left a nice puddle of my own juices up there ladyhumbug 2020-05-13T23:15:20Z
186 Can i just say... SHIT! gridmonkey 2020-05-17T22:39:17Z
187 Mr. Rogers is an asshole. alatus 2020-11-26T04:00:06Z
188 *Insane Cackling* karyotype 2020-06-03T23:45:06Z
189 How many feet can I fit in a terabyte? karyotype 2020-06-10T17:02:37Z
190 Don't make me explain to you how chicken sex works! gridmonkey 2020-06-11T01:44:49Z
191 "Everyone have bad times! This is a bad time channel!" - Alatus boxyblue 2020-06-13T22:12:15Z
192 "I really wanna ride this halberd" ladyhumbug 2020-07-01T00:55:46Z
193 "I guess we have to buy the luchador..." ladyhumbug 2020-07-01T14:16:24Z
194 I was distracted by your friendship! alatus 2020-11-26T04:00:44Z
195 "Ooh look at me I'm Alatus I live in New England and eat things like Sheets and Dandies! Muwaph-uwaph-uwaph!" - Some yankee probably boxyblue 2020-07-15T00:21:09Z
196 Why didn't it jump that time?? i pushed the button that does jumping..i pushhhed der br derrr gridmonkey 2020-08-11T00:32:50Z
197 "daddy yes" ladyhumbug 2020-08-19T01:56:27Z
198 "I have to stop deciding I can take more than one at a time" gridmonkey 2020-08-21T01:22:35Z
199 I keep forgetting to flash the whole area gridmonkey 2020-10-04T22:08:38Z
200 "That butthole shot was explosive" gridmonkey 2020-11-05T01:09:50Z
201 "Oh, I just killed a rat. How Sad" ladyhumbug 2020-11-06T00:56:24Z
202 Sometimes a lady needs 3 more inches karyotype 2020-11-11T23:55:38Z
203 I hope he's doing ok, he's got a kid. gridmonkey 2020-11-23T02:22:57Z
204 Ya know, sometimes... It's just butts. alatus 2020-11-26T04:01:34Z
205 They're not necessarily nonsensical, they're just about zombie-fucking, that's all! gridmonkey 2021-02-18T20:21:50Z
206 Look Grid, i have only two hands, and so many dreams. gridmonkey 2021-03-11T16:34:42Z
207 "I wanna get 'plunging attack' tattooed on my ass." davarice 2021-04-27T23:40:42Z
208 My son is pounding the beaver. alatus 2021-05-23T23:20:24Z
209 "Don't start with me Grid, just shut up and get my tacos" - Ala 2021 boxyblue 2021-09-09T02:47:41Z
210 well at least we get money murdering the children alatus 2021-10-09T01:09:35Z
211 EposVox: Metroid is miserable if you’re not wanting to specifically play Metroid. gridmonkey 2021-12-13T00:48:53Z
212 If this gets stuck in the wrong hole, it's gonna burn a little lord_ebon 2022-02-27T21:15:59Z
213 Poop! oh thank god I've got poop. gridmonkey 2022-04-09T23:17:20Z
214 The stick is so sensitive lord_ebon 2022-04-18T02:10:14Z
215 "I feel good at the game again" (jumps into a death pit) davarice 2022-05-09T23:55:17Z
216 I do love baiting creepers. gridmonkey 2022-06-02T01:36:19Z
217 I like it when he tries to spit on me lord_ebon 2022-08-05T00:15:00Z
218 Maybe I don't want you people remembering what I say lord_ebon 2022-08-23T01:50:58Z
219 Why can I go deep? and I hate it. ladyhumbug 2022-10-05T22:55:30Z
220 Take the baby elephant; that seems good gridmonkey 2023-02-16T00:47:09Z
221 Oh no, am I a furry? What happens if I'm a furry? lord_ebon 2023-03-09T23:58:26Z
222 My whole purpose is to slam through this game like a hammer through cheese lord_ebon 2023-03-29T00:41:56Z
223 i've never died in my life gridmonkey 2023-03-30T23:52:08Z
224 I really dont wanna be involved with any of these bat ladies lord_ebon 2023-04-12T00:04:27Z
225 I love watching other people die lord_ebon 2023-04-28T00:11:03Z
226 Look how tight that stick is - fuck yeah! lord_ebon 2023-04-29T20:28:30Z
227 Now I just want to hang out in the poison swamp lord_ebon 2023-05-03T01:35:33Z
228 Every time you pull out is an opportunity to try again lord_ebon 2023-06-17T00:21:49Z
229 Ignore what they tell you and just touch everyone lord_ebon 2023-06-22T00:14:53Z
230 This is because Xeno is a cuddle slut lord_ebon 2023-06-30T00:06:14Z
231 Oh, I've gotta shit something into your mouth, don't I? lord_ebon 2023-07-15T22:25:08Z
232 I think stabbing people right up the anus is right and good actually lord_ebon 2023-07-25T23:06:29Z
233 stop eating my horse! lord_ebon 2023-08-04T00:26:17Z
234 why did not you hit the fucking--goddamn lord_ebon 2023-08-04T00:29:47Z
235 ... Why is my face so hot lord_ebon 2023-08-04T00:30:07Z
236 I guess if I see something on the news about the chopstick killer I'll have a good idea who it is lord_ebon 2023-08-04T00:30:36Z
237 It's been so long since I've touched a banana. lord_ebon 2023-08-04T00:32:36Z
238 Nice! Oh wait, that wasn't it. lord_ebon 2023-08-04T00:33:18Z
239 nooo! mein hamster! they look so happy, those stupid onions look so happy, when they're not trying to rip you away from your BFF. stop beeping at me. lord_ebon 2023-08-04T00:35:00Z
240 This is bettering you? I'm sorry, you must be pretty fucked up. lord_ebon 2023-08-12T23:12:43Z
241 How dare you put a frozen reference in my Elden Ring lord_ebon 2023-08-17T23:54:18Z
242 "Dammit, I have to stop taking off my clothes" davarice 2023-08-23T00:19:18Z
243 "She also didnt put the fucking nuts on the face" davarice 2023-08-24T23:15:31Z
244 Maybe grid's a bottom, you don't know that? lord_ebon 2023-08-24T23:54:19Z
245 I know I was wearing someone's pants lord_ebon 2023-10-03T22:55:19Z
246 I was very well versed in werewolf porn lord_ebon 2023-10-03T22:55:56Z
247 Grid inspires me to be a better person. It doesn't accomplish much, but... lord_ebon 2023-10-09T16:46:41Z
249 My SECRETARY uses a CHROMEBOOK. UGH. lord_ebon 2023-11-09T00:22:58Z
250 Can you *not* Tokyo Drift into my ass, please? lord_ebon 2023-11-09T00:23:25Z
251 This like whole room of succin and fuccin right now - she says while playing Kirby lord_ebon 2023-11-14T00:10:29Z
252 "I am too old" boxyblue 2023-11-16T00:44:24Z
253 I'm positing just they're called dragons because they're draggin that sack lord_ebon 2023-11-22T02:14:06Z
254 I think in my dream I should be allowed to have genitals lord_ebon 2024-01-04T02:47:11Z
255 Is there anything down here you guys want me to look at? alatus 2024-01-21T17:07:16Z
256 there is no sausage in my life alatus 2024-01-21T17:07:33Z
257 I am too old alatus 2024-01-21T17:07:45Z
258 I'm gonna kill you and take your clothes alatus 2024-01-21T17:08:03Z
259 I do enjoy the suffering alatus 2024-01-21T17:08:20Z
260 <message deleted> -ctho alatus 2024-01-21T17:08:48Z
261 I like that there's wide and thick" - Alatus 2024 gridmonkey 2024-03-23T01:13:34Z
262 Don't worry, it's floppy. Look at that limp shit, yeah lord_ebon 2024-04-03T23:19:20Z
263 Maximum Fish, that's what I'm going to request everyone call me from now on lord_ebon 2024-04-09T01:19:55Z
264 Get sloppy on the knob of capitalism... I want that on booty shorts too lord_ebon 2024-06-03T22:41:40Z
265 I ate all my moth balls lord_ebon 2024-06-20T23:08:37Z
266 I kinda like the crotchless... the crotchless leather pants feel lord_ebon 2024-07-23T22:48:51Z
267 oh shit, we get to go down to finger town lord_ebon 2024-08-08T01:00:19Z
268 I was confused, I didn't know how to crank it guys lord_ebon 2024-08-08T01:01:25Z
269 First of all, don't patronize me, you're a water bottle lord_ebon 2024-08-23T00:12:47Z
270 are you referencing the porn anime where they all turn into fighter jets? lord_ebon 2024-09-14T22:02:45Z
271 I love jorkin it lord_ebon 2025-01-26T01:41:12Z
272 It's me - I'm the Muppet joker lord_ebon 2025-02-05T02:13:27Z